Friday, September 29, 2017

Title: Noble's Song
Author: Vicki Green
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 25, 2017


A song can tell a thousand stories

And break a million hearts

When you have next to nothing, it’s easier to be appreciative of what little
you do have.

Noble Lewis grew up with meager means yet her heart couldn’t be purer. The day
she lost her mama was the day she set out on her own, leaving behind the only
place she’d ever known to find her place in the vast world.

Her mama always told her to follow her heart, let it guide her. Her gentle and
selfless nature is the one thing that her mama gave her but is she really
prepared for what lies ahead?

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“You see,
Noble – I’m bad news around here. You deserve to be with someone who’s in
better regard in town. Someone you can be proud to be with.”
up, I cup his handsome face. “Don’t you see you’re better than what you think
you are? No one’s perfect, Merrick. Lots of people have hard lives. You’ve been
nothing but kind and caring to me. And your mama? You’ve just told me you’ll do
anything for her and you have.” I smile and rub my thumb across his cheek. “I am proud of you, Merrick.”
His eyes stare
into mine and my breath hitches at the intensity. Slowly, he moves toward me,
his hand taking my arm. “I’m gonna kiss you now if that’s okay.” I swallow hard
and barely nod when his lips press against mine. I’ve never had a boy – or a
man – kiss me before. It’s not like kissing Mama at all. It lingers. Makes
shivers run through me. My lips tingle. It’s…. beautiful. It’s not as long as
I’d like, left me wanting more, but he pulls back slightly and presses his
forehead against mine.
My eyes
remain closed, and I still feel those tingles on my lips. “That was the most
perfect kiss,” I whisper.

Author Bio

Best selling Author of Romance and Romance Suspense, Vicki lives in Kansas with her husband and two boys as well as their 3 dogs that rule their house. She loves spending time with her family and furbabies as well as reading.

Look for more exciting romance adventures in the future.

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Title: Daring Wes
Series: Cade Brothers #2
Author: Jules Barnard
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 26, 2017


A second chance could either save him or destroy him...

I was born with a competitive streak a mile wide. Ever since I could walk, I've made it a point to never lose. And I never did, until my girlfriend left me senior year of college and my professional golf career tanked.

Over the past four years, I've fought to regain my winning edge. The last thing I need as I prepare for the pro tour is my ex-girlfriend sauntering into the golf shop on the arm of her new fiancé. Then again, this might be my opportunity to win back what I've lost.

Kaylee doesn't seem the contented fiancée she should be, or the cold-hearted girl who left me years ago--and she's hiding a secret. One I'm determined to discover. Because if there's a chance I was wrong about Kaylee and she really had loved me, maybe I can break the mental block that's left me in the rough.

But the rules of golf don't always apply to love.

*NOTE: This is not a cheating story. Each book in the Cade Brothers series is a standalone that can be read in any order.*

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Author Bio

Jules Barnard is a USA Today bestselling
author of contemporary romance and romantic fantasy. Her contemporary series
include the Men of Lake Tahoe and the Cade Brothers. She writes romantic
fantasy under the same pen name with the Halven Rising series Library
 calls “…an exciting new fantasy adventure.” Whether she’s
writing about sexy men in Lake Tahoe or a Fae world embedded in a college
campus, Jules spins addictive stories filled with heart and humor.

When Jules isn’t in her sweatpants writing and rewarding
herself with chocolate, she spends her time with her husband and two children
in their small hometown on the California coast. She credits herself with the
ability to read while running on the treadmill or burning dinner. 

To learn more about Jules, visit her website at: 

Sign up for Jules’s Newsletter and receive access to
FREE extra scenes--

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Title: Hard to Stay
A Hard Series Standalone

Author: S. Jones

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Design: Letitia Hasser, RBA Designs

Photo: Sara Eirew

Release Date: November 7, 2017


Leaving the past behind should be easy.

For Lexi Manning, escaping her past shouldn't be so hard, but like objects in
the rear view mirror, things end up being much closer than they appear.

Brad Morgan is no stranger to heartbreak. He gave his heart away once only to
have it returned. This time around he's not taking no for an answer.

His friendship with Lexi might have started off in his romantic blind spot, but
it quickly turned into something he never saw coming.

When the life that Lexi is running from starts to catch up to her, she is
forced to make an impossible decision. Is protecting the man she loves worth
running back to the life she barely escaped from the first time?

Leaving Brad is the last thing she wants to do, but she knows ultimately it
will be too Hard To Stay.... 

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Author Bio

S. Jones lives in
Upstate, N.Y. with her husband, her two teenage children, and her adorable
golden retriever Marley.  She is a wine lover, coffee drinker, domestic
chef, housekeeper, chauffeur, dog walker and world traveler...Oh and she is
also a hopeless romantic! When she's not doing laundry, mowing her lawn or
taking care of her family, you can usually find her on the computer planning
out her next vacation, having a drink with her friends or reading a nice juicy

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Title: Rewrite

Author: Stephanie Rose

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs

Photo: MaelDesign & Photography

Models: Josh & Shauna Meyers

Release Date: October 19, 2017


Once upon a
time, a girl loved a boy and he loved her back. They lived happily ever after.

But our
story was never that simple.

I loved
Josh with all I had, right until the day he left. Now, all these years later,
he was back—and wanting me the way I’d always longed for him. Except now, I
belonged to someone else. Someone who never left me the way Josh had. I figured
that was the end of our story. I couldn’t alter the past.

I didn’t
want to rewrite my future.

Brianna was
always more than my best friend. She was the shining light in my black hole of
an existence, and I loved her with every cell and bone in my body. I wasn’t
good enough for her, though—more the villain than the hero in our fairy tale.
When I had to leave, I vowed to come back a better man—for her. But when I
finally did return, she wasn’t waiting for me anymore. She had someone new, her
very own Prince Charming. Did that mean our story was over? I couldn't change
our past.

It was time
to rewrite our ending.


Brianna hadn’t uttered a single word since we stepped into the truck. Tension radiated off her entire body as she faced as far away from me as possible. I knew she was avoiding me. Our near kiss was too much for her to handle right now. I should’ve backed off and let her have her space, and I did for a few days. All we were doing was delaying the inevitable—whether she chose to admit it or not.
“I’m sorry we had to leave so soon. I would have liked to meet more of your friends.” I glanced her way, and Brianna nodded in response, still not looking at me.
“I saw Christal corner you at the bar.” Her voice was aloof but the ticking in her jaw said otherwise as she drew back into the seat.
Sick, my ass. I noticed her glaring at me and Christal tonight. She stared daggers into Christal’s back every time she touched me. She could act as aloof as she wanted. I knew she fucking hated it. My cupcake was in a losing battle with herself. She was going to make herself really get sick if she didn’t surrender soon.
“Yeah,” I chuckled. “Chatty little thing.”
Brianna nodded but wouldn’t look my way.
“She is. I’m surprised she didn’t slip you her number,” she scoffed.
“Oh, she did. In fact, she opened with that.” I fought a smile, picturing the wheels turning in her adorable little head.
Brianna’s head whipped to mine. “She did?”
“What’s wrong?” I asked with as much innocence as I could get away with. “You don’t like her?”
“No,” she offered a bit too abruptly. “I mean, she’s fine, I guess. You can talk to whomever you want.”
"So, if I take her out . . . you'd be okay with that?” I let Christal down easy and right away, but Brianna didn't need to know that. The prick in me wanted to see how this played out.
"Sure." She shrugged as she turned away from me again. "Do what you want." Her jaw clenched so hard, I thought she was going to chip a tooth as she focused on the Hudson River whizzing passed the car window.
Since we were kids, she had the worst poker face. I always knew the second she was pissed off, and judging by how her chest heaved, she was about ready to blow.
Traffic always bottlenecked around the same exit. We inched until we came to a full stop. I slid my arm around her and leaned in. She stiffened, but unless she jumped out of the car onto the side of the highway, she had nowhere to go.
I nuzzled her cheek. Fuck it, I was going for broke.
"And if I . . . take her home. You'd be . . ."
"Fine," she breathed out, her voice a mix of fury and lust. "Like I just said, do what you want."
I laughed, victorious. "Cupcake," I whispered as my lips grazed her cheek, “you are so full of shit."

Author Bio

Rose grew up loving words and making up stories. Being able to share them with
readers is her dream come true. This lifelong Bronx girl loves Starbucks, wine
and 80s rock. Her voice often gets mistaken for a Mob Wives trailer.

She married
her prom date and has a seven-year-old LEGO obsessed son. She believes there is
nothing sexier than a good guy who loves with all his heart, and has made it
her mission to bring as many as she can to the page.

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Title: Fighting Fire
Series: Finding Focus #3
Author: Jiffy Kate
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 29, 2017


Fire is a fickle bitch. It comes in all shapes and sizes.

The power held within its heat and flames can either create something strong
and beautiful or destroy everything in its path.

Sometimes it does both without you even realizing it.

If you want to live life, your only choice is to fight the fire. You
might still get burned, but you’ll be stronger in the end.

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Author Bio

Jiffy Kate is the joint pen name for Jiff Simpson and Jenny Kate Altman.

Jiff was born and raised in Louisiana. She’s now living in Texas with her
two teenagers and two bulldogs, Georgia Rose and Jake. She spends her days
enabling people’s LulaRoe addictions. Don’t worry, it’s not illegal.

Jenny Kate was born and raised in Oklahoma where she lives with her
husband, teenager, and two high-maintenance Cavalier King Charles Spaniels,
Wrigley and Oliver. She’s a coffee-obsessed accounting assistant, who wishes
she had an endless supply of money and vacation days.

Some people think they’ve been friends forever, but they’ve only known
each other about six years. Kindred spirits and all that. After their first
“date”, they knew it was fate. Five years ago, they started writing their first
story and they haven’t stopped.

Their first published book, Finding Focus, was released in November 2015.
Since then, they’ve published the second book of the Finding Focus Series,
Chasing Castles; a new adult romance, The Other One; and a sexy novella series,
Table 10.

If you like a romance set in the south, then you’ll love their southern
fried fiction with heart and soul.

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Title: Defying Gravity

Series: Healing Hearts #2

Author: Laura Farr

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: September 29, 2017


Savannah Parker is miserable.

The reason: Josh Miller, her brother’s best friend.

Devastated by the unrequited love she has for Josh, she has no choice but to sit back and watch him play the field, her heart breaking a little more each time she sees him.

In an attempt to forget about Josh and move on, she distances herself from those who love her. Josh is never far from her thoughts though. In a desperate attempt to feel something for someone and fill the void, she makes a reckless choice – one that will change her life forever.

Once her secret is revealed, relationships are threatened, and Savannah stands to lose those closest to her. When she needs someone the most, Josh proves to be her greatest support, and soon the lines of friendship become blurred. When she confronts him about his feelings for her, he reveals a secret of his own – a secret that could destroy them before they’ve even started.

Can Savannah and Josh make a relationship work? Or are there some secrets that are too hard to overcome?

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Author Bio

Laura Farr lives in Shropshire with her husband and
two children. When she isn’t working, or being a Mummy she is pursuing her
dream of writing. 

She is a romantic at heart and loves nothing more than
writing stories with a happy ever after, even if there is the odd chapter of
angst thrown in! Her desire to write came from her love of reading and when she
isn’t writing you will find her attached to her kindle or spending time with
her family.

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