Thursday, June 27, 2019

Title: Jedson

Series: The Ruins of Emblem #2
Author: Cora Brent
Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance

Release Date: June 27, 2019


JEDSON (The Ruins of Emblem)

When I was
too young to know any better Ryan Jedson fascinated me.  
After he
went on the run I thought I’d never see him again.  
I was
Now that
he’s back in town I realize it’s a bad idea to catch his eye. 
And yet I
can’t help it. 
you want the one you shouldn’t want.  
But there’s
a complication. 
He has no
idea that I’m the reason his life fell apart.  
And I don’t
know what he’ll do if he ever finds out.  

Back in the
day when we were neighbors she was too young, not even worth a second
six years have gone by and now Leah Brandeis is fair game.  
I see how
she looks at me.   
understand she thinks her secret is safe.  
And I’m
playing along. 
But soon
the truth will come out and there will be hell to pay.  
Because I
know what she did. 
I’ve always

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Author Bio

Cora Brent was born
in a cold climate and escaped as soon as it was legally possible. Now, she
lives in the desert with her husband, two kids and a prickly pear cactus she
has affectionately named ‘Spot’. Cora’s closet is filled with boxes of
unfinished stories that date back her 1980’s childhood and all her life she has
dreamed of being an author. Amazingly, she is now a New York Times and USA
Today bestselling writer of contemporary romance and begs not to be awakened
from this dream.

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Title: Master Baker
Author: Pippa Grant
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Cover Design: Lori Jackson Design

Photo: Wander Aguiar

 Release Date: June 27, 2019


They call me the sugar whisperer.

Anything your tongue desires, I can bake it. Scones? Child’s play. Cupcakes?
I’ll frost them so good you won’t know what hit you. Donuts? Please.

You’re talking to a master baker.

But there’s one egg I’ve never been able to crack.

My best friend.

Correction: My former best friend.

She’s the apple in my pie. The whip in my cream. The lemon in my meringue. The
wish in my bone.

She’s the one who got away.

After ten years in the military, she’s back. She’s bruised and battered by
life, but she’s back.

Except she’s not my second chance. She’s gone to the dark side.

Running a rival bakery in a town not big enough for two.

So now I have to decide—which do I want more?

My bakery?

Or the woman I never should’ve let go in the first place?

Master Baker is a deliciously fun friends-to-enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy
featuring a smooth-talking baker, the one who got away, and a goat with more
matchmaking tendencies than a nosy old grandpa. It stands alone with no
cheating or cliffhangers.


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Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Pippa Grant is a USA Today Bestselling author who writes
romantic comedies that will make tears run down your leg. When she's not
reading, writing or sleeping, she's being crowned employee of the month as a
stay-at-home mom and housewife trying to prepare her adorable demon spawn to be
productive members of society, all the while fantasizing about long walks on
the beach with hot chocolate chip cookies. 

Books by Pippa Grant

Author Links


Title: Washed in Blood

Series: Heaven's Guardians MC #1
Author: Ashley Lane
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: June 27, 2019


Blinded by
anger, the man who had sworn to protect me,
shot me in a fit of rage when I was only sixteen years old.

He thought
he killed me. 
But my job wasn’t finished yet.

My days are
spent as President of the Heaven’s Guardians MC.
Nights are spent searching for the scum of the earth.

Rapists, Murderers,
They all answer to me.

I thought
I’d seen it all.
Thought my heart couldn’t be any darker.
Thought I knew exactly how far I was willing to go.

Then a
battered and broken woman was found behind our clubhouse,
and I realized, I’ve never had a clue about the monster that lurks within.

They may
call me Priest,
but I’d sell my soul to the devil before I let anything take her away from me.

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Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Being the boy mom of an almost 2 year old and 9
year old, means she lives off Goldfish crumbs and Diet Coke. But when she does
have a spare minute of time to herself, you can typically find her parked on
the couch, Kindle within reach, catching up on the previous weeks episode of
Grey's Anatomy or Hell's Kitchen. 

Author Links

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

SURPRISE RELEASE! Look what’s live and FREE everywhere! DELAYED SATISFACTION, a brand new novella from #1 NYT Bestseller Lauren Blakely, is free on all ebook retailers! Snag this forbidden romance novella for a sexy escape!
I’m not looking for love. I’m definitely not even interested in dating. But when I first see the handsome stranger singing on stage and our eyes lock, it feels like kismet. For seven blissful days, we fall into an intoxicating romance. Until one night when I learn just how forbidden we are…

Title: Wreck My World
Author: Victoria Ashley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 25, 2019


“The feeling I have in this very moment, after not seeing her for so long, will haunt me
forever, reminding me why I left to begin with.”

For as long as I can remember, Easton Crews has been
off-limits. As much as it kills me, that’s never going to change.

After his little disappearing act three years ago, then
suddenly showing up out of nowhere, I shouldn't want anything to do with him.

It doesn’t matter how beautiful he still is. Or how close we
once were. It shouldn’t matter that my entire body lights on fire with need whenever he gets close.

He chose the worst possible time to leave without so much as a goodbye.

However, just like the first day he walked into our home,
I'm drawn to him, needing him near me just as badly as I need air to breathe, and I can't stand it.

I want to hate him. I know I should hate him. But
hating him is the last thing he'll let me do.

I push, he pulls harder, until I'm completely wrapped up in
him, my mind lost in the one person who is forbidden—the one person I’ve always loved, even when he belonged to someone else.

Easton was never meant to be mine. It took me years to come to terms with that and now that I finally have, he's here, right in front of me, more irresistible than ever.

The part I fear the most about that—he’s the one person
capable of completely wrecking my world.

“I’m not leaving until you take all of your hate out on me. Let me feel it. All of it. Every dirty look. Every nasty word. I will have it all before I leave. Stop hiding
from me.”

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She stops and turns around when she hears my boots crunching in the gravel behind her. The cold look in her eyes is almost enough to freeze my damn heart. “Don’t you dare follow me, Easton.
Turn back around and go inside.” With pained eyes, she points at the building and screams. “GO!”
After yelling at me, she immediately turns back around and
starts walking again to get away from me.
Ignoring her demand, I stalk toward her, wrapping my arm
around her waist right as she attempts to straddle her motorcycle.
“You’re not driving home,” I say, while squeezing her waist
and pulling her against me. “I get that you want fast right now. That you need a rush to clear your head. Trust me, I know you. I’m the one that got you
addicted, but you’ve had too much to drink.”
“You don’t need to worry about what I do,” she growls out in
anger, before elbowing me in the stomach in an effort to get away. “Dammit! Let me go. I need to leave. I can’t be here.”
She’s still trying to fight me, so I carefully lower her to
the gravel and trap her under my body, pinning one of her legs underneath mine.
“Give me your keys,” I growl, an inch away from her lips. “Don’t make me force them out of your hand. I can pin you under my body all night if I fucking have to, Kota.”
“Yeah, I don’t think my brother would like that much.” She
attempts to buck me off with her hips, but it does nothing.
I smirk down at her and push my hips closer against her
body. “Fight me all you want. I’ll win.”
“Fuck you, Easton!” Breathing heavily, she lays still and
fights to control her breathing from below me. After a few seconds, her eyes meet mine, and she grins. “Fetch.” She tosses her keys across the parking lot and then pushes my chest, speaking against my lips. “Now. Get. Off.”
I release a hard breath and take a moment to analyze her
face. It feels like forever since I’ve seen it.
Her big, gray eyes are framed by long lashes and her dainty,
freckled nose is now pierced and flaring out in anger.
Catching me off guard, she pushes her way out from under me and closes her eyes as she runs her hands over her face and lays back. “Just leave me be. I don’t want to be anywhere near you. I’ll have Hope take me
“You really mean that?” I question with a tight jaw. “You
still hate me after three damn years?”
“How can I not?” she bites out, before jumping to her feet,
ignoring my hand as I reach it out to help her. “You tore my heart out. Now get out of my way.”
I bite my lip, holding in my anger as she pushes past me and
disappears inside.
I’m still standing out here with my hands in my hair when
she walks back out a few minutes later following Hope to her old, beat-up truck.
My heart pounds relentlessly as I watch them hop inside and
drive away.
You tore my heart out.
Those five words hurt like hell. She’s always been good at
making me feel.

Author Bio

New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today
Bestselling Author of the Walk of Shame Series.

Victoria Ashley grew up in Rockford, IL and has had a passion for reading for as long as she can remember. After finding a reading app where it allowed readers to upload their own stories, she gave it a shot and writing became her

She lives for a good romance book with bad boys that are just highly misunderstood and is not afraid to be caught crying during a good read. When she's not reading or writing about bad boys, you can find her watching her
favorite shows.

Author Links

Gail's Review
I seriously love this woman.... I’ve been thinking about this book since I finished it early yesterday!! I think I’ve listened to this playlist on repeat all day Wednesday & yesterday ... I’m at a complete loss for words... This is Victoria at her best!!! Probably the best book yet.... and I have loved and read all her work!!

Victoria pulls no punches with this book!!!! Be ready to have those tissues out... this is a completely gut wrenching and emotionally beautiful story of lost love & heartache..

Easton & Dakota (Kota) have been the best of friends since a very young age.. both in love with each other before they even knew what love was really... but neither took that next step thru the years.. But when something devastating happens and Easton takes off.. Kota is completely heartbroken.. FF 3 yrs... Easton is back.. What will Kota do when she finds out. Will Easton be able to make things right... or has the damage been done?

I had the honor of meeting this amazing author a few years ago.. and hope to get to see her again soon!! Thank you for allowing me to read a advanced copy of this beautiful book!!!
Gail ~ Night and Day Book Blog

“Demons” Death by Reaper MC #3

Title: Demons

Series: Paranormal MC Romance

Author: Esther E. Schmidt

Cover Design: Esther E. Schmidt

Model: Andrew England

Photographer: James Critchley Photography

Release Day: June 25, 2019

Buy links:

Held captive by the same Demon who took her sister, Tria doesn’t have any other option than to agree to Vike’s terms; accept him as her true mate in return for her sister’s freedom. But her sister might have stumbled onto something else to save herself.

As the president of The Demon charter, Vike has been fighting a battle to save his brother and the world all by himself. While other Paranormals turned their backs on him, he stands strong while risking it all. When help is finally offered Vike trusts no one, a downside which could cost him his life along with unleashing an apocalypse.

Dive into book three of Death by Demon MC and submit to the burning truth that scorching the darkness might be the only way to save this world.

Each book in the Death by Reaper MC series can be read as a standalone story, featuring a new couple. For a greater reading experience and background storyline, recommended reading order:

Monday, June 24, 2019

Title: Assassin's Mark

Series: Assassins #2
Author: Ella Sheridan
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: June 24, 2019


I knew the minute I saw him that Levi Agozi was too perfect to be real. I didn't care. He came to me, asked for me, and, dazzled by his dark good looks and the bad-boy
aura surrounding him, I gave in. Willingly.

My father is set to become the next governor of Georgia, and he'll use me to get there if he has to. He'll hand me over, virginity and all, to the man with
the biggest bank account and political pull.

I wanted something more.

I wanted Levi. And I had him—until I woke up, disoriented and confused, at his mercy. He’s a bad boy, all right. A sexy, deadly assassin. And I'm the pawn torn between him and my father, two powerful men intent on
destroying each other.

I might not understand their war, but I do understand one thing: no matter who wins, I lose.

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“Get your ass outside right this minute, Abigail, and wait
for Charlie to arrive. I won’t have you shaming this family.”
I was bringing shame to our family? Me? My father
expected me to marry for his convenience, for the good of his political career, but I was the shameful one? I squeezed down on the cell, the sound of plastic
creaking in protest satisfying something inside me that ached to burst free.
Too bad I wasn’t strong enough to pulverize the damn thing.
And yet, a large part of me believed him. Always had. After all, if I wasn’t shameful, he would love me, right?
No. Wrong. You’re not going to let that bastard poison
you anymore, Abby.
I wasn’t the Hulk, able to crush a cell phone with a single
twitch of my fingers, but I was strong enough to drop it into the trash can full of wet paper towels and walk out of the bathroom without looking back. In
the hall, the sight of Levi leaning against the wall, obviously waiting, hands stuffed into his pockets, brought me to an abrupt stop. My mouth went dry. I’d
spent my life trying to please a man, and look where that had gotten me.
I was already bringing shame to the Roslyn name;
maybe I should embrace the role instead of letting my father’s words cut me to pieces.
I moved closer. One side of Levi’s mouth tilted up, and he wrapped those big hands around my hips the minute I came within reach. A gravelly rumble escaped him, sinking beneath my skin and sending shivers to the deepest
part of my being. Heavy-lidded eyes devoured me, shouting a desire I found hard to believe, but it was there nonetheless. Hunger. Pleasure. That look sent a
surge of desperation so strong through me that I couldn’t speak if I’d wanted to.
It’s now or never, Abby.
I didn’t stop or slow. I moved into his space until my body
was pressed firmly against his, lifted my chin, and met the lips that lowered to mine.

Also Available

FREE prequel!!


Cover Reveal

Title: Assassin's Prey
Series: Assassin's #3
Author: Ella Sheridan
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Cover Design: Mayhem Cover Creations
Release Date: July 22, 2019


I killed my first man at the age of twelve. I've been
killing ever since. I thought it was all I lived for…until Abby. Until the woman I'd kidnapped became the woman I couldn't walk away from.

She owns a piece of me I wouldn't take back, but the rest?
The only way to protect her is to hold back the parts inside me that are too ugly to ever reveal. I'll keep her safe, even from me.

And it works. We have the nights, and I hunt my way through
the days. Alone.

Until an attack reveals a threat we didn't see coming. One
that could take away the dream I didn't realize I had.

Everything. With her.

I'm on the hunt of my life. My prey might run, but in this
fight—for her, for us—they don't stand a chance. 

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Author Bio

Ella Sheridan never fails to take her readers to the dark
edges of love and back again. Strong heroines are her signature, and her heroes span the gamut from hot rock stars to alpha bodyguards and everywhere in
between. Ella never pulls her punches, and her unique combination of raw emotion, hot sex, and action leave her readers panting for the next release.

Born and raised in the Deep South, Ella writes romantic
suspense, erotic romance, and hot BDSM contemporaries. Start anywhere—every book may be read as a standalone, or begin with book one in any series and
watch the ties between the characters grow.

★ Anything can happen in the
shadows of a sultry Southern night. Explore the heat with the SOUTHERN NIGHTS
romantic suspense series.
★ Secrets and sex abound in the
SECRETS TO HIDE contemporary romance series.
★ Dark desires come to the fore
in IF ONLY, a BDSM contemporary series.

“The perfect blend
of suspense and romance.” – Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

“Ms. Sheridan writes suspense that grabs you and won't let
go.” – Tea and Book

“The perfect kind of naughty…with [characters] that have
great chemistry.” – Alpha Book Club

“A great plot, likable characters, witty banter, and
seductively wicked love scenes—the perfect recipe!” – Blogging by Liza

Don't miss a release! Sign up for Ella’s newsletter to find
out about new releases and sales:

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