MY FIVE TOP NEW AUTHORS OF 2014 1. Beneath It All - Tori Madison
Stephanie Powell's review
Dec 19, 14
5 of 5 stars
Read from December 16 to 19, 2014
First I want to start this review by saying how sweet and beautiful I think this author is. Back in September she pm me and we started talking and I absolutely fell in love with her. I kept telling myself I need to read this book. Well needless to say I got extremely busy and then when I would sit down to read I would forget.
Finally this week I said not gonna wait any longer because I really was intrigued.
Let's start with Victoria what can I say about a woman with this much strength you have no idea of the obstacles this woman goes through. It's a book about not only finding out YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER. no it's a journey she was not even aware she was gonna take. I have never been through anything this woman has but I only hope and pray that if that day ever comes I will have the ATTITUDE Victoria had. Noah at first I thought he seems great. But then I kept having a feeling something wasn't right. All I can say is I can't even say lol arrrggggggg!!!!!!!!!
The three friends just they were amazing they brought so much comedy in such a serious situation that was needed. I can only hope to be surrounded by people like this if I should ever have a journey to go through. Dr. Forrester yummy please Lord have mercy lol
Tori Madison you have me hanging on an edge I am very excited about this second book. Please hurry and love you and your strength. Honestly this was a wonderful book one of my top reads and this was her DEBUT as a new author. She herself is a survivor and I am proud to have her as my friend. The journey this book takes you on and the emotions you feel while reading are huge. It will make you appreciate the things you have in your life. Lots of times we complain about the little things just stop and think about other peoples struggles. Cause we all know we have hidden things in our life. Beneath It All (Beneath, #1) by Tori Madison (Goodreads Author) Amazon:
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How can I explain the dynamics of this book without giving spoilers away. Well I was given an ARC by the author and she said it would take me a week to finish nahhhh not me a day with interruptions. I found myself wanting to be apart of this family the love and support that they give is just beautiful. Bring in Max who to me would make anyone melt. These two main characters though struggle with a lot of things at some points of the book you are screaming yes yes yes then why please don't. But honestly this is Mariah Dietz debut as an author she has done a phenomenal job. I am so excited for the next book I can't wait to continue this journey. I feel invested now and I am very loyal when it comes to characters that I fall in love with. I wanted to hold this girl at the end and let her know I was there for her. So get ready for laughs an awesome family and heartbreaking struggles. This author is going to be very successful. Thank you Mariah for letting me review.
Becoming His (His #1)
by Mariah Dietz

3. The Exception by Adriana Locke This author was amazing I thought she had wrote tons of books when I started and after I was done I couldn't believe it. This has angst hot alpha sex the guy is a complete jerk at first but even cocky boys can be brought to there knee's. Jada has been through so much and has decided she is done with the jerk guys infact she wants to be left alone. But sister Kari is seeing the hot countryboy Max oh goodness I love me some Max. I really enjoyed this book I was mad and sad at the same time. I wanted to strangle them both but was so addicted and Cane so freaking yummy I will always think of him making chocolate chip cookies. This is my review Stephanie Powell rated it 5 of 5 stars

My goodness gracious lord have mercy Cane what can I say but wow what a man. I was so excited to win an ARC of this book this is a a brilliantly written story. I was captivated from beginning to end. Jada is the heroin in this book she has been married and is now divorced starting her life over. Decker was the ex husband and let's just say he was a pain in the ass and treated Jada so bad. I loved that she didn't bow down to him and proved to herself that she was in fact important.
So one night she goes out with her sister Kari who she is living with now. And Kari is dating Max so they go and by a chance meeting she meets Cane. God I love that name. Well he wants what he sees and he always gets what he wants until now. Cane is this hot bad boy with a cocky attitude and doesn't like the word no. Or he is not use to hearing somebody say it to him.
Kari this is Jada's sister love her she has this outgoing personality that you just love she is exactly what Jada needs at this time.
Max have I mentioned I am in fact a country girl so for me Max can be my country boy anytime. And by the way I love red solo cups.
I will forever think about this book and Cane when I make homemade chocolate chip cookies.
I wish I could tell you everything that happens in this book but I refuse to spoil a book. You Adriana have done a incredible job I was amazed to find out this is your first book. Debut I would have

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Unwritten (The Unspoken Series Book 1)
by M.C. Decker I think this is an amazing story of two people who truly are in love. At first the book started out slow I didn't get into it until chapter 6. Then the story started pulling me in and I had to know what would happen. This girl gives new meaning to walls I mean I wanted to slap her a few times. But I understood why she was so stubborn and infuriating me. Brooke was a head strong young lady that was at college she had a perfect boyfriend. She had life planned out accordingly exactly how she wanted it to be. As she is at college she literally walks in to this major hot brick wall who smells amazing. But she hates his arrogant ass. Cause let's face it he really was arrogant but he has a different side. Which she gets to know very well. Some things happen and she learns that sometimes life as you plan it doesn't always work out. But she will be OK because she knows what she gonna do well that is what she hopes for. Again life slaps her in the face and just remember you should always seize every opportunity before its too late. OK so the time line is 2011 now we skipped some. Brooke has put her career on hold because of some horrible things that happened in those years. She is a caregiver that's not her job description but she takes care of those she loves the most. But one night she is thinking I need to go after my goals I set for myself so long ago. The time is now so she submits her resume to a paper. And three weeks later she has an interview but little does she know that past always comes back. As she comes off the elevator she runs literally in a hot brick wall. I will leave you with this because I could go on but I am not I hate ruining books with spoilers but you will love this story. To me the story began at chapter 6 but I understand why it was there. M.C.Decker is a great writer and I can't wait to continue with my love for Rich ahhhhh This is Debut as an author fantastic job. Purchase links:
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Love in Rewind (Audio Fools #1)
by Tali Alexander This was Tali Alexander Debut as an author and let me tell you I was blown away by this story. She had me captivated from the start I wasn't sure if I was going to be happy at first when I started this book. Cause honestly Louis made me mad I just wanted to hug Em and let her know she was important. But everything started changing as soon as she was telling me about the real story from the beginning. I felt as if I was Emily no I am not rich but some of the things in this story are my reality. To have a connection with someone that you feel you would die without is such a magical feeling. I live that life everyday with my husband. This was a beautifully written story I know there was an age difference between the two but it didn't matter. Love will always win in the end you just have to allow it to take hold. Emily and Louis were absolutely perfect for each other did they struggle yes they did no life is perfect. But these two were soul mates it was hard to read because I feel this way for my husband. I can't explain why because I would give spoilers away but I will say that when we went through what they did I was the same way as Louis is her lifeline and touching is what you need to feel to make sure it's real. That your lifeline is still in place you can't let go it consumes you in every way possible. To know that the love of your life holds you in your arms making you feel safe and complete in the world. If you truly know what is to love you will understand this book it has touched my heart so much to know even if a fictional character is in my reality to feel a chemistry like that has no limits. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for this story and can't wait for the next story. I think you Tali Alexander are an amazing writer and did a phenomenal job.
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