Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Every Heart February 17th

Author: LK Collins
Sequel to EVERY SOUL
Genre: Erotic Romance
Love hurts. Life hurts.

But without the pain, there is no bliss.

I found bliss.

Then it was all taken away.

And though it hurt like hell to move on, I had to.

I learned to love again only because of Bain.

I found my bliss again.

Then in a split second, everything was put into jeopardy.

My world crashed down around me and this time I was faced with the hardest decision of my life, a decision I never dreamt of making.

A choice that seemed impossible.
With no good outcome.

That would hurt everyone I loved no matter what I did.

I didn’t want to make it. I couldn’t choose between my two loves.

So I fought the decision with everything I had, avoiding it until…

I was forced to decide.
5 Stars. Oh My Days! What can I say. Every Heart made me cry like a baby at first. It was so sad seeing the heartache both Bain And Nate we're going through but the heartache was doubled for Arion. I felt so sorry for her having to make the worst and best decision of her life!
At one point I thought 'Ah just have them both and all 3 of them can live together!' Obviously that can't happen but it broke my heart. I think she made the right decision in the end but I feel so sorry for the man she left behind. The book is full of heartache and shock, and happiness and more shocks! It is very well written, it has to be to make me cry because I don't cry easily!! Well Done LK Collins this book is amazing!!









Start from the beginning with EVERY SOUL...


Author: LK Collins

Genre: Erotic Romance


When you lose the one person who grounds your existence, your whole world changes.

In life, it is said that everything happens for a reason. If that’s true, how can you explain death? Especially when it happens to someone so young, so beautiful, and so innocent? My name is Bain Adams, and I struggle with these thoughts every day. I’ve been through hell and back, somehow surviving the unimaginable. My sister took her life six months ago, and now, what’s left is a shell of the man I once was, a shadow of the person I used to be. Do I miss that life? Absolutely. But I miss her more, every day. I pray time will ease the pain and help my suffering while I search for the answers…but so far, nothing.

Happiness is something I knew so long ago, and now it’s nothing but a faint, distant recollection of the life I once had. My name is Arion LaSalle, and seven months ago my life was shredded to pieces when my fiancé disappeared while deployed. He never came home, burning a hindrance of pain and agony within my soul. For so long, I lived my life believing everything happens for a reason, until now. ‘Cause none of it makes any sense. Why Nate? Why only him? Since getting through each breath is a struggle, I put on a fake persona, pretending I’m someone I’m not, living my life recklessly. Because for me, it was all taken far too soon.


Book 3 is coming!! Add EVERY LOVE to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23701069-every-love


LK Collins is first and foremost a devoted wife and mother. She loves music and has openly admitted that she's addicted to it. Without the strength of the words from some of her favorite artists, what she does...would not be possible. She works the normal 9 to 5 like the rest of the world, but is fortunate that she's allowed to listen to music for eight hours a day. When she gets home, she turns into Superwoman; juggling the crazy world of being an indie author, a mom, and a wife. Both her daughter and her husband share names with famous presidents. Her husband is referred to by her readers as "the Prez", a name well deserved.

LK has had a passion for the worlds created by authors for as long as she can remember and with the support of the Prez, she has successfully self-published three titles in the Life. Destiny. Fate Series. While her books are erotica, they are also known for dramatic storylines that will keep the reader enthralled from page one.

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