Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Four words continue to haunt me . . . 

You. Have. Breast. Cancer.

I associate them with the upheaval of my life to this point. The last few months have been a test of my strength . . . mentally, emotionally, and physically. Cancer is a monster. It preys on your mind and it consumes you, consistently reminding you of how your life used to be. Life before cancer. I was a successful business woman, running my own design firm, and was happily married to my college sweetheart. My life seemed perfect. Until it suddenly came crashing down all around me.

So, here I am, in the midst of treatment, incinerating the remnants of my shattered marriage and attempting to piece the rest of my life back together. With three amazing friends pushing me forward, the ‘post-chemo’ finish line is coming into view.

And then . . . there’s him. The man I never anticipated. The one who breathes hope and meaning back into my life. A man who kisses my scars and shows me that I’m beautiful. I never expected him. Hell, I never expected cancer. I’m finally ready to write my future, a future I never planned on, but one that is better than I could’ve ever imagined. 

After turning on “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child I got to work on the pancakes. The butter was melting in the glass pie pans in the oven while I whisked the batter and sang along to the song. “After all of the darkness and sadness. Soon comes happiness.” Setting the bowl down on the counter, I danced over to the oven to pull the pans out and continued to shake my ass.

When I turned back around to get the bowl, I noticed Blake leaning against the wall in the doorway watching me with humor dancing in his eyes. “As a child I dreamt of finding Wonder Woman dancing provocatively in my kitchen while making dinner. Guess they’re right when they say, never give up on your dreams.” He smirked as he pushed off the wall. “You look hot. Don’t let me stop you.” 

He grabbed a bottle of sparkling water and perched himself on a stool. “What are you making anyway?”

“German pancakes. A friend and I used to make them growing up. They are the perfect mix of sweet and salty with the butter and syrup combo . . . and can make a very sticky mess.”

“A sticky Wonder Woman? Wow. This just keeps getting better.”

I placed the pans back in the oven to bake and put the bowl in the sink to soak. “So Doc McHottie has a thing for Wonder Woman, huh?” I taunted him while wiping my hands on a kitchen towel.

“Doc McHottie has a thing for the Wonder Woman that was dancing in his kitchen a few moments ago.”

Links to purchase Beneath, You’re Beautiful…

Beneath It All (Book One) Trailer…

Links to purchase Beneath It All…

Spotify Playlist Links…
Beneath It All: http://spoti.fi/1zC3Lgf
Beneath, You’re Beautiful: http://spoti.fi/1AlC1Oi

About the Author…

Happily married and the mother of two, Tori Madison is active in the world of philanthropy and finds joy in making a difference in lives of others. She is an avid reader, lover of life and a breast cancer survivor. Currently residing with her family in Minnesota, she can often be found at Caribou Coffee or at the dance studio with her kids. With a well-known weakness for dark chocolate with sea salt and cheesecake, she also has a fondness for chips and fresh salsa.

Writing a book was never on her radar. After a challenge from a friend to write 1,500 words the story came to life and a new opportunity to make a difference was born.

Her debut novel, Beneath It All, released on September 24, 2014. Beneath, You’re Beautiful is her second novel and the sequel to Beneath It All. It is a two book series.

Author Links…

tsu: https://www.tsu.co/torimadison

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