Monday, March 16, 2015

Famous Kahlen Aymes

tag25FAMOUS by Kahlen Aymes

Famous Amazon GRSWCover designed by Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations
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tag36Caden Carlisle is a world-renowned superstar with good looks, million dollar movie deals and women throwing themselves at him wherever he goes. He has it all… but wants nothing more than a normal life without the paparazzi and glitz.

Brooklyn Holloway is an up and coming starlet with a solid head on her shoulders and her eyes wide open. It’s all about art for her and she isn’t looking to star in blockbuster films. She’s perfectly happy keeping a low profile and doing indie projects with a message.

When fate throws the two of them together on set; both are unprepared for their undeniable connection. Cade is drawn to Brook’s down-to-earth wholesomeness and she can’t help the irresistible pull of his good looks, sense of humor and chivalrous ways… So, when he begins to think he’s in love with her, resisting is next to impossible, despite being committed to someone else.

Only when filming ends and the world’s fascination with celebrity invades their bubble, can they decide if the emotions they felt on set were scripted, or forever.
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tag19I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Cade.

I’d risen, and he was trying to rush through the crowd toward me, but was having a hard time making his way around all of the people. Part of me was thankful for that. I felt trapped, like I’d die an absolute death if I didn’t make an immediate escape.

I needed to get out of there fast, or soon, I was going to be a sobbing mess. I could feel the misery welling up and threatening to overflow.

I pushed my way through the crowd toward the other end of the bar, toward the entrance and away from Cade.

"Brook!" he called. "Brook, wait, please!"

I kept going, my eyes on Nathan a few yards in front of me. My vision blurred with tears, but I stumbled through the crowd, pushing my way toward him.

"Brook! Bloody hell! Stop!" Cade was beside me, and grabbed my arm. "Stop... Just wait a second, please." His voice lowered as he looked at the tears running down my face, his scent enveloped me. Finally, I had the courage to meet his eyes but my face crumpled, and I cried hard.

"Cade, just please, let me go. It's obvious that coming here tonight was a big mistake." My voice broke, and more tears slipped from my lashes. I bowed my head when my shoulders began to shake. I couldn’t stop them from doing that, and it felt humiliating to be standing here, in the middle of a bar, in a place I’d never been, with a couple of hundred eyes boring into me… and worse, to witness what I’d just seen.

"Tell me why you're here," he commanded softly, his finger lifting my chin so I had to look him in the eyes. He looked sad and anxious. "When I saw you, I couldn't believe my eyes." His eyes searched my face, trying to read my mind. "I felt like the earth opened up to swallow me alive."

I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I opened my mouth, closed it, and then shook my head. "It just… It doesn't matter now." I tried again to pull my arm free.

"Goddamn it, Brooklyn! Tell me why you're here!" he pleaded, and grabbed my other arm, which completely prevented me from looking away from his face. We were both breathing hard; standing motionless; as if there was no one else in the room.

Finally, I looked away as I struggled for strength to control the tears in my voice.

Maybe if I tell him the truth, he'll let me go.

I turned back to him. "I came here to tell you that what you saw in those photos wasn't real, and that I was ending things with David. That you are who I want to be with." I started to shake, my face crumpled. Cade took me by the shoulders, and pulled me tightly to his chest.

"But from the looks of things, you're doing just fine. It didn't take you long, did it?" A small sob escaped, as I resumed in earnest. "I thought I was going to surprise you for your birthday, but it looks like I'm the one getting the big surprise." I was angry and hurt; my heart shattered into a million shards that ripped through my flesh and left me bleeding. I renewed my struggles to get free of him, but he was too strong. He moved me away a little to look in my eyes, his brow low over his eyes and his mouth tense.

"Brook, what was I supposed to think? You never said you were mine. How was I to know? Those pictures were like reliving the entire last year as I watched you with him when I wanted you for myself!"

"After the way it was between us... the way it felt! You saw how my heart was breaking when you left. After that, how could you doubt me? You don't trust me at all."

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Famous (Famous #1)Famous by Kahlen Aymes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a unique and different story I found that I was fascinated with the concept of the story. If you were a fan of Ryan and Julia in the remembrance series you will absolutely love this book. We meet Cade and Brook who are actor's and they are portraying the parts in the first movie for the remembrance series. Cade has been acting since he was 12 and has a name for himself also has tons of fans. But when he meets Brook he is kinda lost in her and they have a unspeakable bond. Brook is just starting in acting this is her first film. As time goes by they aren't sure what's going on their feelings for each other are overwhelming. They spend a lot of time together so Brook isn't sure if it's them feeling the connection because of the love story they are acting in. Cade knows what he feels is real but there's a problem she's taken already spoken for. So he will take what he can get with her he won't force her to choose between him and David but will give all the support she needs. (intermission) Wow you have no idea how this book makes you feel the connection between these two is magnificent. It's almost magical I wish I had met a Cade when I was young he is the definition of perfect male. He's british did I mention that oh and he's gorgeous. And the freaking things he does I am in love with this character. OK back to the review sorry lol
So things happen and some how there is a miscommunication between them. Needless to say our girl tried to call and explain but damage was done. So she is determined to make sure he understands but is it possible to right a wrong. She's been hurt and now he's stuck trying to explain but in the end they finally connect. But can it be that easy to just go and be together with no obstacles in the way. No never because life doesn't come easy that way. Come and embark on this journey with Cade and Brook and see the secrets and being hurt come to life. Watch as they try to fight for each other only to learn that it's not gonna be easy. Honestly I am so excited about this series it embraces a truly beautiful love story with deep emotions. The connection and chemistry between them is breathtaking. I am a fan of this author and have been since the remembrance series so take a chance and fall in love with this story. ~Stephanie

View all my reviews

tag15I’m a single mother of one daughter, Olivia. She’s amazing in every way.

I was born in the Midwestern United States and educated at a private university where I received a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Business Administration.

I’ve always been creative with art, music, theater and writing. I decided to write a story as a way to build a network for a business venture. The reader support of my stories and my overwhelming desire to find out where my characters would take me, soon had the writing morphing the business. No one was more shocked than I. When readers began nominating my work for online awards, it took my breath away and only made me love it more. It soon became clear that writing was, and should be, my focus.

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This was a unique and different story I found that I was fascinated with the concept of the story. If you were a fan of Ryan and Julia in the remembrance series you will absolutely love this book. We meet Cade and Brook who are actor's and they are portraying the parts in the first movie for the remembrance series. Cade has been acting since he was 12 and has a name for himself also has tons of fans. But when he meets Brook he is kinda lost in her and they have a unspeakable bond. Brook is just starting in acting this is her first film. As time goes by they aren't sure what's going on their feelings for each other are overwhelming. They spend alot of time together so Brook isn't sure if it's them feeling the connection because of the love story they are acting in. Cade knows what he feels is real but there's a problem she's taken already spoken for. So he will take what he can get with her he won't force her to choose between him and David but will give all the support she needs. (intermission) Wow you have no idea how this book makes you feel the connection between these two is magnificent. It's almost magical I wish I had met a Cade when I was young he is the definition of perfect male. He's brittish did I mention that oh and he's gorgeous. And the freaking things he does I am in love with this character. OK back to the review sorry lol
So things happen and some how there is a miscommunication between them. Needless to say our girl tried to call and explain but damage was done. So she is determined to make sure he understands but is it possible to right a wrong. She's been hurt and now he's stuck trying to explain but in the end they finally connect. But can it be that easy to just go and be together with no obstacles in the way. No never because life doesn't come easy that way. Come and embark on this journey with Cade and Brook and see the secrets and being hurt come to life. Watch as they try to fight for each other only to learn that it's not gonna be easy. Honestly I am so excited about this series it embraces a truly beautiful love story with deep emotions. The connection and chemistry between them is breathtaking. I am a fan of this author and have been since the remembrance series so take a chance and fall in love with this story.

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