Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Never Too Late by Micalea Smeltzer

Title: Never Too Late
Series: Willow Creek #2
Author: Micalea Smeltzer
Release Date:  April 21, 2015

I’d never met anyone quite like Mathias Wade.
He was brooding and arrogant, but I loved him anyway.
Together we were wild and uncontained—a hurricane raging.
Then I had to leave, and words were exchanged that could never be undone.
But now I was back, and Mathias better watch out, because this bitch wasn’t finished with him.
Game. Set. Match.
All is fair in love and war, right?

Mathias Wade, the lead singer of Willow Creek, is used to getting everything he wants. Except for Remy Parker—the one that got away. Childhood friends that grew into more, Remy was the one constant in his life until she moved away. In anger, he lashed out and broke the only girl he ever loved. With temptation around every corner Mathias drowns his sorrow in women and alcohol. When the band returns to their hometown for the holidays the last thing Mathias expects is to run into Remy—but she’s back, and she’s not done with him.
Remy never forgot Mathias or the pain he caused her. When she moves back to the place she grew up to take care of her ailing grandma her heart is set on revenge. She’s determined to make Mathias fall in love with her all over again—only this time she’s going to break his heart.
But Mathias never stopped loving Remy—and she soon discovers that her feelings haven’t disappeared either.
Can two people too stubborn for their own good overcome their own demons and find the love they always deserved?

Lisa's Review

5 Stars ★★ 

Never Too Late is even better then Last To Know and I really loved that book. Its on a whole different level to Last To Know. Maddox was the loving romantic and Emma the shy girl with hardly any friends.
Mathias Wade is not romantic (or at least he doesn't think he is!) he doesn't care what anybody thinks of him, He goes through life sticking up two fingers at anyone that questions him on his actions. 
Remy, with a similar attitude but with a MASSIVE secret finds it hard to return to her hometown to look after her Grandma. After bumping into Mathias whilst working , after 7 years apart, they start spending more time together. Mathias doesn't know her secret and Remy is finding it hard to keep it from him but even harder to tell him. 

This book had me in tears a few times, I wouldn't say its an ugly cry type of book but you will shed quite a few. I couldn't put the book down at first and then when i thought the secret was going to come out i wanted to hide my ipad! You WILL get sucked into the story of Mathias and Remy and fall in love with them, warts and all! Micalea did such a good job with this sensitive storyline, and deserves the success i know this book will have. <3 

KOBO:  Not available yet

I jumped up on the counter and he moved to stand in front of me, bracing his hands beside my hips. I kicked my legs against the cabinets like a little kid as he stared down at me intensely. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for in my eyes, but he must have found it, because he cupped my cheek and leaned in.
“This feels like when we were younger,” he whispered. “Like no time at all has passed.” His words echoed my previous thoughts.
I closed my eyes, feeling his breath fan across my lips.
God, I’d missed him.
It didn’t seem possible to miss someone I’d grown to hate, but I did.
I was pretty sure that when someone like Mathias came into your life they were impossible to forget.
He was like the sun, burning so bright that even once he was gone I was still blinded.
“Did you ever miss me?” I asked. “Even once?” I held my breath, waiting for him to explode—because that was Mathias. He could be nice one minute and an asshole the next. I wouldn’t put it past him to kick me out for my question.
Instead he surprised me by leaning in impossibly closer and nuzzling my neck. “Always.”
#1 Last to Know (FREE until April 28)

Micalea Smeltzer is a bestselling Young and New Adult author from Winchester, Virginia. She’s always working on her next book, and when she has spare time she loves to read and spend time with her family.


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