Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sloan Storm Interview!

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Author Interviews

Sloan Storm
Author of Never Never Man Series!

Hi Sloan, Thank you for taking the time to answer some of our question, We are very excited to have you!

First, Please Tell us a little about your books..

I began self-publishing in 2012 and wrote under a variety of pen names before switching to Sloan Storm exclusively in 2015. I suppose with my books I like to take the time to explore the relationships between the characters, of course, but also the motivations of each. My writing is always changing and each time I sit down to write a new book, I try to challenge myself to do something new.

Gail’s Questions

rubber-duck_0.jpgDuck. What inspires you when writing?

Hmmm, I'd have to say the characters themselves. I'm a plotter so I always have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen in my stories. Even so, they always manage to surprise me.

rubber-duck_0.jpgDuck - How do you decide what you want to write about?

Oh wow. Um, well the hard part is deciding what NOT to write about, haha. Ideas for storylines come to me often but unless they can hold up over an entire story arc, I ditch them. I need to be able to have my characters change in a meaningful way so that's my most important criteria.

images.jpgGOOSE.. Are you married? If so how long?

I am. For six years now, been together for ten

Gail's Answer:  Yes I'm married.. Been so for 12 yrs. ----   Lisa - Yes i've been married for 12 years this year, ----   Stephanie, Yes almost 20 years  ---- Marialee, I've been married almost 12 years.

Stephanie’s Questions
rubber-duck_0.jpgDuck. Who has influenced you most in writing?
Oh I hate questions like this because I don't ever want to leave anyone out, haha. That's lame I know but that's my answer and I'm sticking to it. Aside from books though, I'm influenced by movies, television and most of all, real life.

rubber-duck_0.jpgDuck. What's your routine for writing do you have superstition things you have to do or think it will jinks you?

No, I don't really have anything like this. Now I'm going to start wondering if I should be! Oh no! Haha, kidding.

I pretty much just sit down and write. Sometimes the words come easier than others but no, I'm not superstitious about it.

images.jpgGOOSE.. What's the craziest thing you have ever done?

Um, G-Rated? Hahaha. Hmm, oh I've done so many crazy things in my life. Where I live, in Colorado, we're always out doing crazy stuff. It kind of comes with the territory.

Stephanie's Answer: Mine was deciding it would be cool to wax my legs ---- Lisa: Lisa: Hmmm.....I drove 120 miles round trip just for icecream, Does that count as crazy?!! ---- Gail:  Went zip lining in the Dominican ----  Marialee:  When i was in high school my friends and I would always have sleep overs at each others houses (there would be like 10 of us) and a couple of times we went streaking. the real funny thing is one of the girls lives in town. Good thing it was a small town.

Lisa -
rubber-duck_0.jpgDuck. What made you pick the location that the story takes place in? Is it somewhere you have always wanted to go or is there a certain inspiration there that drew you to using the area?

Well, sometimes the setting isn't as important whereas in my current work, it absolutely is. So I suppose my selection of location is driven by the storyline itself.

rubber-duck_0.jpgDuck- Do any of the situations or events that happen in you books relate to things that have happened in your life?

Sadly no. Haha. Goodness I wish! No I'm afraid the day-to-day routine of a writer is not terribly g
lamorous. In one sense though, parts of me, even desires, come out in the storyline. I think that's natural though.

images.jpgGOOSE.. Who is your secret Crush and how long have you crushed on him for?

Hmmm, I have so many, haha. When Sons of Anarchy was on, it was Charlie Hunnam so I'll stick with that since I know I'm in good company!  ;)

Lisa's Answer -- Danny Worsnop from Asking Alexandria (his music is terrible but he is beautiful)

Marialee -
rubber-duck_0.jpgDuck.  Who is your favorite character in your book (which character's view to you like to write the most) and why?

I don't really have favorites. I love all my characters the same. The challenge for me is staying in their heads and trying to understand how they are changing and growing as the storyline progresses.

rubber-duck_0.jpgDuck, What made you choose a concierge career for Maddie?

Cool question! Well, I needed a plausible business option for her that would put her in the path of man like Grey Sinclair. Also, it needed to be something that would give her the ability what little skills she did have after not making as an actress. I had a few options but it seemed to make the most sense

images.jpgGOOSE.. If you could have any type of a book boyfriend in real life what would it be? Rocker, Billionaire, average Joe, etc?

Ooohhh... How about a combination of everything? You know a red hot billionaire biker who also happens to be lead singer in rock band. On occasion he likes to fight and when the mood strikes, turn into something cuddly like a werewolf, haha.

Hard to find but I guess you can dream right???

Marialee's Answer:  A combination of Adam Wilder and Will Cooper. So I guess a little of the rocker with a lot of Average Joe--the sweet, sincere, smart, yet masculine type ... sigh.   Stephanie,  Me I would choose a mixture of all bookwhore ---- Lisa,  <<<What she said. ---- Gail: Book BF... ️MC guy... Those are my FAVE!! So he would have to be a ️MC or something

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers and Likers of Night and Day Book Blog?

Only that I'm so grateful to everyone who's taken some of their time to read my work. It's a pleasure to write and made doubly so when people seem to like it. So more than anything, I'm just grateful.

And Please tell us a little about you…

Well, when I'm not writing, I work part-time for the CIA as double operative, haha. No, I'm kidding. I don't really but if I did, I couldn't tell you because I'd have to kill you. So I'll leave it to your imagination.

Seriously though, I lead a pretty normal day-to-day routine. Except that my routine is making thousands of little black marks on my computer screen. It's a great way to make a living, I can't lie!


Thank you so much Storm for enduring our questions ;)

If you haven’t got Storm’s books yet go get them, they are only 99c and the purchase links are below. Give Sloan a like on Facebook and keep up to date with all things Sloan! Or as we call her the Evil Storm Lady!! All links are below.

Billionaire's Pursuit (Billionaire Erotic Romance: Never Never Man Series Book 1)

Billionaire's Caress (Billionaire Erotic Romance: Never Never Man Series Book 2)

Billionaire's Kiss (Billionaire Erotic Romance: Never Never Man Series Book 3)

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