Friday, April 3, 2015

Title: The Power of Love
Author: Ada Marie
Release Date: March 28th, 2015

Ian Anderson is an irresistible multibillionaire CEO of the Independence artist firm, IA Independence. He has everything a man could want and more. He has women constantly throwing themselves at him, he makes more money in a week than most people make in a lifetime. But what does being rich mean if you live each day unhappy?
At the age of nineteen, Ian lost his family in a horrible tragic accident. Not knowing where to turn, or what his next step was Ian fled his town, without thinking twice about it. More importantly though, he left behind the one person who meant the most.
Allison was the only girl who’d ever captured Ian’s heart. They grew up together, best friends, turned into soul mates. Allison was Ian’s heart, his everything, the love of his life even. After all this time Ian can’t seem to rid his thoughts of Allison, in his mind, she was the one that got away. And even now he’s still very much in love with her. The hardest decision Ian ever made was the decision to walk away from her. But what if the only reason you left the person you loved was so that you could protect them?

Now, Seven years later, Ian comes face to face with Allison. Finding it hard to stay away from her, Ian finds himself falling into old habits. Allison gets under his skin like no one else, but when questions of the past come up will Ian tell Allison the truth or will he flee like he did seven years ago?
When Ian and Allison run into each other again, will Ian be able to make things right with the woman he’s always loved, or did he lose his chance? Will love that was once so strong resurface and give him everything he hoped for through all these years?
Will they have a chance to start over or will the past be too painful for them to overcome?

“I love you Ian,” Allison told him, as she snuggled up in his arms as they continued to stare at the stars that lit up the night sky.
Looking over to Allison, Ian felt his nerves come to surface. The whole reason for bringing her to the beach for their date, rather than a restaurant, was to give her the gift he’d bought her a week ago.
“I have something for you,” Ian said, his voice unsteady as he reached into his pocket. He felt a chill from the breeze around him as he lifted the box in his hand.
He watched her as her eyes began to widen, her hand began to pull back from where it was linked with his, and Ian could have sworn he heard her breath beginning to pick up as if she was going into panic.
“It’s not what you think it is,” Ian assured her, answering her unspoken thoughts. “You think I’m asking you to marry me, but you’re wrong. I love you, but we’ve talked about this. We’re nowhere near ready for marriage yet.” Allison let out a breath in relief as her body relaxed. “I love you,” Ian started telling her, as he sat himself up on his knees. “God knows I love you. Every day that I’ve known you has been wonderful. I can’t see ever not having you in my life. I want to be with you forever. I want to love, cherish, and protect you. Now, I know this all sounds like a proposal, but it’s not. It’s a promise. I want to love you for the rest of my life, and I know you want that, too,” Ian continued, opening the box. It held a small, gold ring with an infinity sign that had sliver of a diamond in the middle of it. It wasn’t big, but it was perfect. “It’s a promise ring,” Ian finished and stared into her eyes as he waited for her to respond.
Allison sat in silence as she stared at him. This was the last thing she ever expected when Ian told her he had something for her. It was perfect. He was perfect. She felt the tears run down her cheek as she knelt down beside him to take his hands. He wiped her tears away with his thumb as Allison kissed his lips.
“You’re so thoughtful. I love you, Ian. This is perfect. You’re perfect. Thank you,” Allison said, as Ian placed the ring on her left ring finger.
“I just wanted you to know that no matter what happens, I promise I’ll never hurt you intentionally, and I’ll always love you.”
“Stop talking and kiss me,” Allison demanded.
When the kiss ended, Allison was full of emotions. She didn’t know much, but she knew from that moment on she’d always love Ian, no matter where their lives took them.

Marialee' s Review

***ARC for author for honest review***
This book had me on the verge of tears for at least the first half of the book. What Ian goes through to keep his true love Allison safe is heart breaking and then all of the emotional baggage that Allison has to go through almost pushes those tears over the edge.
What is Allison to do when she sees Ian again after 7 years of being apart? What is Ian's reaction after seeing love of his life 7 years later after leaving her behind?
This story is a cliffhanger that will keep you on the edge of your seat to learn what will happen to the two!

Gail's Review

**Was given an ARC of this book for a honest review.. **
Although I did end up liking this book.. it took me a great deal to get into.. I had a hard time concentrating on it. But all in all i did like it.. I am looking foward to the next. Loved Ian and Allison.. AND let me tell ya.. CLIFFY... OMG

About The Author:
Ada Marie is a twenty two year old author, who found her passion and love for writing at the early age of ten. And she’s been writing ever since. She was born and raised in the small town of Newfield, New York and currently resides there today. In the last two years she’s been trying to accomplish getting a degree in Graphic Design alongside taking some creative writing classes.
Writing originally started for Ada as an outlet, but became so much more for her, she considers it to actually be one of the biggest parts of her life. Sitting at her desk, with her laptop in front of her is where she feels the most at home, and comfortable. Its her passion, you can see that just by look in her eyes when she talks about it. The first time she ever let someone read her work was on Fanfiction, and then one day she messaged one of her favorite authors about what the next step was and she encouraged her to enter the Indie world, and so she did, with the support of her friends.
The Power of Love was originally a short story that she started for a High School project, and eventually turned into her first ever full length written novel. And she’s beyond proud of all she’s accomplished with it.
She spends most of her days devouring into a new book by just another author that she loves, and spends her nights with the fictional characters she creates from nothing.

Connect with Ada:

Twitter: Ada_marie18
Instagram: Authoradamarie

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