Saturday, May 2, 2015

~~~Blurb Reveal~~~~


Grayson and Siobhan’s love has been put to the ultimate test. Grayson did what he thought was best to save Siobhan from academic suicide, but sometimes intent is not always recognized. New problems evolve just when they are both so close to the end of Siobhan’s final semester… so close to the end of their need for secrecy.

Grayson will stop at nothing to get Siobhan back. Things can’t end unresolved…with her thinking he doesn’t love her. Unbeknownst to them both, their trials are far from over. Secrets don’t always remain in the past. They have a way of stepping into the light—forcing you to acknowledge the very thing you wish you could forget. The pain is no longer a memory, but a constant reminder of the one who slipped away. When the present collides with the past, will their love sustain this final test or will it collapse once and for all?

S R Watson

Goodreads Link

Release Date TBA

About the author
S R Watson is a Texas native who currently resides in Houston, TX. She is an operating room nurse who has just unleashed her desire to write. She has always had a passion for reading and constructing her own stories as a teen. Her first book Forbidden Attraction (Forbidden Trilogy) is scheduled to be released June 17, 2014.

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