Monday, May 25, 2015

Series: Need Series, Book #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance | Erotic Romance
Nate Lawson was a player - dominating in the office and bedroom. Thanks to betrayal he didn’t do relationships, only one-night stands, until he met her. The one he finally connected to would be the one he’d let slip away… 

His job took him everywhere to uncover criminal activity at corporate levels. But, now he was back with one focus in mind, to expose the questionable activity at his sister’s workplace and find his woman! The only problem – who was she?

Gianna Scott finally found a Dom to show her the true meaning of submission – surrendering her mind and body freely. Too bad she didn’t know who he was or if he’d return. Her life had gotten crazy with someone intent on destroying her reports at work, making her frustrated and needing release – needing him…

Nate hated answering to anyone, but agreed to go incognito, as Gianna’s assistant. They’d butt heads at every turn, but why did fighting with her leave him turned on? And why was she starring in his fantasies? Would he ever find the one that got away?

All he knew is that he needed her - Now!



never felt so thoroughly fucked in all my life. When I’d been with other guys
as a submissive or as a dominant, I was lucky to get one orgasm, maybe two if I
was really fortunate, out of the exchange. But with him they just kept coming.
He’d already managed to entice four or five out of me. I couldn’t keep count
with my body feeling so alive and relaxed for the first time in years.

drink this, love.” His voice was silky smooth, making me want to melt into him
in a puddle of goo.

tried to take the bottle from him, but he wouldn’t have it. “Don’t try getting
independent on me now, little subbie. You’re mine to take care of tonight. This is part of aftercare, so open up and let me be
there for you.” His voice held the promise of discipline if I didn’t allow him
to do his duties, so I opened and let him guide the water into my mouth.

was thoroughly embarrassed at how much water I drank. I’d never been this
thirsty from sexual activities in all my life. I was surprised how my body
responded to him and how I still craved more. I remember squirming on top of
his lap and feeling his dick begin to harden underneath me. “Watch out, love,
or you’ll awaken the beast again.”

stopped my movement, only to feel him harden further. A quirky half smile
spread across his face as a few strands of hair loosened from his cowboy hat.
It was too dim in the room and he was too sweaty to discern whether his hair
was some shade of light brown, maybe caramel.

placed the empty water bottle down on the end table before cupping my face with
his hand. His lips hovered just above mine. “I’ve never met anyone like you
before; someone who can satisfy my ravenous need for sex.”

tried arguing. “But I’m not insatiable.”

tongue danced across my lower lip before his teeth latched on, nipping at me,
teasing me to open my mouth. When I did, his tongue pushed forward, devouring
me. I couldn’t help but surrender to his desires. I was putty in his hands,
ready to be molded to his liking.

beg to differ, little one.” He pulled his lips away from mine and gazed down at
my crotch. That’s when I realized
how wanton I really was. During the course of the kiss he’d managed to spread
my knees and had his fingers inside my pussy. I looked down to see myself
riding his hand with fervor and feeling my body slowly start to build with the
need to come.

mouth opened to speak, but no words came out. I was horrified at how reckless
my behavior was. He seemed to read my mind. “It’s okay to give in to your
sexual desires. You have certain needs and so do I. We seem to bring out the
cravings in each other.”

could feel my legs part and my ass moving up and down, trying to recreate the
feel of his fingers inside me. “We both have needs and I. Need. You. Now!” My sentiments exactly!

been so lost in the feel of his fingers deep inside me that I didn’t realize
he’d shifted us over to the table, setting me on the edge, until I heard the
rip of a foil packet and felt the force of his massive size shove deep into me,
catching me off guard. God, he felt amazing. Every thrust of his manhood rubbed
right against my g-spot, driving me toward the beginning of another orgasm.

A whimper escaped my mouth as I felt one hand palm my breast, while the other grabbed hold of my ass and pulled me onto him even further. I could almost swear he was trying to crawl up inside me.

Purchase I NEED YOU ALWAYS, Need Series #1 today! 

Cynthia P. O'Neill 

I grew up in a small town in South Florida called Clewiston and moved to Central Florida to attend college. I married my friend, love, and soul mate and still reside in the area with our amazing son, and a feisty, four-legged little doggie boy.

In my books, I draw on my background in healthcare, business, and science, along with my husband's engineering and wireless technology knowledge.
I currently write on all levels of Romance. The Learning Series is for those who like a little more steam with their books, falling into the categories of Contemporary and verging on Erotica, with a hint of Suspense. The Remembrance Series encompasses Young Adult, with a touch of Paranormal activity and a hint of Historical romance. A new contemporary romance series is underway, called Need. It will be different than the others, because each book will focus on a new couple, while all of the characters will still have a large presence throughout the series.

I try to make my writing very personal and close to her heart. Regular life is the inspiration for my books, but I'm only limited by imagination taking ideas to new heights, opening up possibilities that would normally not exist.

On a more personal note...I love to cook and create in the kitchen and on the bbq grill. I sometimes lose myself in a song at the piano. I often sing with my son while we are driving or making dinner together. I enjoy crafts (flower arranging, making wreaths, painting pottery, needle point and drawing in pencil and charcoals). My music tastes are eclectic at best, ranging from classical piano to hard rock/heavy metal. It all depends on the song, group, and if it has a good beat or is a soulful ballad.

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