Monday, June 1, 2015

Entice ~ Veronica Larsen




Turns out I’ve been faking being an adult.
My job? My apartment? The pretty life I've built?

Let's just say I've made some mistakes.

I'm knee-deep in the mess I've made when I find him. Tall, dark-haired, and rough around the edges. The boy I never noticed is all grown up, in all the right ways. And he's not about to let me forget it.

He can try to pretend he's immune to our attraction. I'm trained in the art of persuasion and I love a challenge.

But how can he know the answers to questions I haven't thought to ask? I’ve been putting out fires, fighting like crazy to get my life back on





A moan parts my lips as his fingers discover how badly I want him. I tilt my head back as he rubs me. The electric storm between my legs makes it impossible to think of anything but his touch. My skin is on fire and his hands are relentless and unafraid, rough as coal and fueling my heat into a full-blown flame. I'm hurting for him to be inside of me.

Eyes shut, I have no idea what he intends to do next until his lips find mine below. I groan out. Loud. He savors me slowly at first. But his tastes turn to nipping, and then he devours me with increasing vigor. Out of nowhere, he gives my clit one sudden, sharp suck.

"Oh God," I breathe out. My back arches upward, pulled by the firing nerves running up and down my core.

Reality blurs away, intoxicating lust pulls a veil over all of my other senses. All I know is his lips on me. I'm clutching the edge of the counter and twisting my hips any way I can to grind against his face and show him with my movements how incredibly good he's making me feel. Owen's waging an assault on my body, concentrating all his forces on the one small spot where the war is won.
I've never been tasted like this before. This man knows what he's doing. He knows how much pressure to put where, he knows how to weave over all the sensitive spots. When to be rough, when to pull back. He puts his whole damn head into it.

It's like he knows exactly what I'm itching for before I even decide, scratching the perfect place every single time. His tongue massages my most sensitive spot long enough to put me on edge and then tortuously moves to another itch.

He's a fucking professional, bringing me to the brink of orgasm three or four times and somehow, defiantly, keeps me right there until I'm begging in a desperate whisper for him to make me come.
He slides a finger inside of me, all the while tasting me, and lets out a groan as I squeeze around it. His finger pulses in and out of me to the rhythm of my uneven heartbeat. One of my legs hooks over his shoulder, pulling his face further into me. He must know, somehow, how close I am, because he lightly drags his teeth against me. My eyes fly open as the sting of pain twists instantly to insane ecstasy that plunges me into an explosive orgasm. I'm sure my spine dissolved and my body is left boneless.
I laugh. That felt so damn good I don't know what else to do but laugh.

"Does that mean you want more?" Owen asks. The look in his eyes tells me he's still starving. And I'm on the menu.

"I'll give you more."


Veronica Larsen is a twenty-something year old writer who enjoys crafting emotionally rousing stories laced with intense chemistry. Her debut contemporary romance novel, Entangle (Hearts of Stone, Book 1), released December 1st 2014. When Veronica isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, sobbing over her epic Pinterest fails, and spending time with her sweet little family in Southern California.

Turns out I’ve been faking being an adult.
My job? My apartment? The pretty life I've built?
Let's just say I've made some mistakes.
I'm knee-deep in the mess I've made when I find him. Tall, dark-haired, and rough around the edges. The boy I never noticed is all grown up, in all the right ways. And he's not about to let me forget it.
He can try to pretend he's immune to our attraction. I'm trained in the art of persuasion and I love a challenge.
But how can he know the answers to questions I haven't thought to ask? I’ve been putting out fires, fighting like crazy to get my life back on track. And this man? He acts like he knows who's holding the match.
Maybe there's no such thing as mistakes.
What if it's all just sabotage?


A moan parts my lips as his fingers discover how badly I want him. I tilt my head back as he rubs me. The electric storm between my legs makes it impossible to think of anything but his touch. My skin is on fire and his hands are relentless and unafraid, rough as coal and fueling my heat into a full-blown flame. I'm hurting for him to be inside of me.
Eyes shut, I have no idea what he intends to do next until his lips find mine below. I groan out. Loud. He savors me slowly at first. But his tastes turn to nipping, and then he devours me with increasing vigor. Out of nowhere, he gives my clit one sudden, sharp suck.
"Oh God," I breathe out. My back arches upward, pulled by the firing nerves running up and down my core.
Reality blurs away, intoxicating lust pulls a veil over all of my other senses. All I know is his lips on me. I'm clutching the edge of the counter and twisting my hips any way I can to grind against his face and show him with my movements how incredibly good he's making me feel. Owen's waging an assault on my body, concentrating all his forces on the one small spot where the war is won.
I've never been tasted like this before. This man knows what he's doing. He knows how much pressure to put where, he knows how to weave over all the sensitive spots. When to be rough, when to pull back. He puts his whole damn head into it.
It's like he knows exactly what I'm itching for before I even decide, scratching the perfect place every single time. His tongue massages my most sensitive spot long enough to put me on edge and then tortuously moves to another itch.
He's a fucking professional, bringing me to the brink of orgasm three or four times and somehow, defiantly, keeps me right there until I'm begging in a desperate whisper for him to make me come.
He slides a finger inside of me, all the while tasting me, and lets out a groan as I squeeze around it. His finger pulses in and out of me to the rhythm of my uneven heartbeat. One of my legs hooks over his shoulder, pulling his face further into me. He must know, somehow, how close I am, because he lightly drags his teeth against me. My eyes fly open as the sting of pain twists instantly to insane ecstasy that plunges me into an explosive orgasm. I'm sure my spine dissolved and my body is left boneless.
I laugh. That felt so damn good I don't know what else to do but laugh.
"Does that mean you want more?" Owen asks. The look in his eyes tells me he's still starving. And I'm on the menu. "I'll give you more."

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Veronica Larsen is a twenty-something year old writer who enjoys crafting emotionally rousing stories laced with intense chemistry. Her debut contemporary romance novel, Entangle (Hearts of Stone, Book 1), released December 1st 2014. When Veronica isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, sobbing over her epic Pinterest fails, and spending time with her sweet little family in Southern California.

Gails review
*Received an ARC of this book for a honest review from the author herself.*


I really loved book 1 (Lex & Leo) need to read that 
Anyway.. This is Emily & Owens book.. We first meet Emily and Owen in high school. Owen has had a fascination with Emily since the first time he saw her.. He just doesn’t know how to approach her and talk to her.. Emily gets her heart broken at the school dance.. Owen is there to witness.. and he tries to console her.. In return he gets his a$$ beat..


We meet up with Emily at her current job.. pretty much low man on totem pole.. after working her butt off getting her law degree.. Client shows up.. Emily has to step in as BOSS IS OUT… Things happen and stuff gets said.. that can’t be taken back.. ** go choke on a dick**  love that Emily looses her job and on the verge of losing her place to live due to building owner selling out.. She goes to stay with her sister Lex (book 1)
Insert Owen.. Oh Owen.. how I love thee.. He is such a sweet man.. and when Emily shows up at this fathers diner to work on her Resume and to eat of course.. she sees Owen.. of course she is smitten with him.. but his attitude.. yea well…. Owen knows right away who she is.. he would recognize her anywhere.. She has no clue who he is.. Eventually Owen tells her the story of how he knows her.. Tells her how he got his a$$ beat by her ex and it was a “Message from Emily” ..
I just want to say I loved Owen and Emily’s story.. I loved how it was not Insta Love.. They took their time.. you need to read it when you get the chance.. AND THAT LETTER AT THE END…..OMG!
Thank You Thank You Thank You for allowing me the honor of reading this beautiful story…

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