Wednesday, June 17, 2015









Author: S.R. Grey 

Series: Laid Bare Volume #2

Release date: June 30, 2015 

Genre: Erotic Romance | Paranormal Romance


Lucien and Dahlia can’t stay away from one another, so, why fight it? Giving in to their feelings, they vow to start anew. However, a surprise visit from Lucien’s mysterious cousin, Selene, puts a damper on the passionate reunion. 

Who is this disarming woman? Is she like Lucien, something . . . different? And why is she so set on getting Dahlia out of Lucien’s life? 

Faced with Selene’s disapproval, Lucien finds he is forced to unveil more of his power to Dahlia, thus placing her in a perilous situation. 

The Laid Bare story continues, but not without a cost to all those involved. 

Volume 2 of the Laid Bare novella series.  




Ignoring the urge

to plunge into her and fuck her like the beast I really was, I lowered myself

to the bed, my body grazing slowly over her soft skin. The barely-there contact

made her whimper, especially when I leaned down and kissed her

softly…slowly…and deeply.

“Oh, Lucien,” she

cried out when I broke away. “Please, please just take me.”

“I thought you

wanted me to taste you?” I teased.

I liked driving

her a little crazy. I wanted Dahlia panting, writhing, and craving me as much

as I craved her. Of course, I hid my need better than she.

She wiggled

beneath me, trying in vain to line her pussy up to my cock. Teasing her

further, I kept shifting left and right, always just out of her reach. In the

process, her dewy pussy lips brushed over my cock, again and again, leaving wet

marks like kisses.

Fuck, it was

driving me insane.

“Please,” she

pleaded, her breathing faster and faster. “You can do whatever you want to me,

Lucien. Just make this, this need I’m

feeling, stop.”

It was rather

consuming, I had to admit, this pull to one another. If it was hard for me, I

could only imagine what it was like for her.

Indulging my

curiosity—just briefly, I promised myself—I allowed myself in to her head, to

experience what she was experiencing.

And, oh, it was


“Oh, Dahlia,” I

breathed out, amazed. I felt how much she ached for me, and it overwhelmed even


Kissing, nipping,

and licking my way down her supple body, I exhaled in relief as I pressed my

tongue to her throbbing sex. She was delicious, better than any woman I’d ever

had before, and I licked and lapped at her folds with abandon.

Dahlia moaned and

raked her hands through my hair. She grabbed hold and pulled gently at first.

But then she screamed out, wrenching at the roots as she pulsed and shuddered

beneath the relentless assault from my hungry mouth.

I knew she’d never

come so hard, so intensely, and I felt her reach a new level of euphoria.

“I’m dizzy,” she

mumbled, confirming what I already knew.

Hell, I was a

little dizzy myself, drunk with her.

I rose to my knees

and stared down at what was mine. This woman, open and bared for me—and only

me—was beautiful in a way that transcended words.


Exposed: Laid Bare #1: 


S.R. Grey

S.R. Grey is an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author and a Barnes & Noble #1 Bestselling author. She is the author of the popular Judge Me Not series, the Inevitability duology, A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy, and the new Laid Bare series of novellas. Ms. Grey's novels have appeared on Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestseller lists in multiple categories, including #1 on the Barnes & Noble Nook Bestsellers list last year. 

New novels slated for 2015 release dates are a New Adult novel this fall, title to be revealed this summer, plus more Laid Bare series novellas.

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