Thursday, June 18, 2015

Step F*@k - Scarlett Ward

Meet Jai in this sexy stepbrother romance!  


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That's all I did. A few too many glasses of wine with my best friend and the bitch convinced me to go on one of those dating websites.

A one-night stand.

A booty call.

And you know what? It.was.amazing.

I spent all night in a sexy stranger's arms, hot and sweaty, until it was time to sneak out and do the walk of shame back to my apartment.

I never thought I'd see sexy stranger again, and I was totally fine with that - until my mother's wedding.

She's getting remarried, see. And sexy stranger just happens to be my new stepbrother.

All the wine in the world isn't going to make this better.

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I’m reaching for a napkin when I see that Jai is on the other side of the table, helping himself to a generous portion of the oysters.
           “You know what they say about oysters,” he says. I pretend I didn’t hear him, but when I look over, he’s staring right at me.
           “What?” I hiss. “You think you’re being clever? You think you’re going to impress me with that totally unoriginal line, like I’ve never heard that oysters are an aphrodisiac? That’s not why I took some—I happen to like how they taste very much and as a poor college student, I can’t afford to eat like this!”
           He’s still staring. At my chest. Then the smirk returns. “Might want to pull up that dress, Janet Jackson.”
           “What?” I look down. My left breast has completely popped out of the top of the dress, my nipple there on full display for anyone who happens to be looking. “Shit!” I try to stuff myself back in the dress, dropping the plate of salad and oysters in the process. “Fuck!”
           “You know, they’ve got things you can paste on in these sorts of situations.” He reaches over and picks up the wayward oysters and puts them back on my plate.
           “I’m not eating those,” I say. “I need to talk to you.”
           I wriggle my shoulders and try to get myself as secure in the dress as I can before I hurry around to the other side of the buffet table. “I need to talk to you over here.” We go to the back of the restaurant, near the hallway to the bathroom, and I strategically place myself behind one of the columns that keeps us partially obscured from the rest of the restaurant.
           “Imagine meeting you here,” Jai says, a slow grin spreading across his face. “I really had no idea. No idea at all. I knew I was going to be getting some stepsisters out of this blessed union, but I really had no clue—”
           “Are you fucking kidding me? You expect me to believe that? You’re a fucking dog. A total fucking asshole.”
           “I really do like the scarf. And the dress, too. You should’ve left the tit out. You’ve got great tits, you know.”
           “I do NOT want to talk about my tits!”
           “That’s certainly not the tune you were singing last night.”
           “Do you realize how not funny this is? What a complete disaster this is? OUR PARENTS ARE GETTING MARRIED. That means we’re going to be brother and sister.”
           Step brother and sister. There’s a difference, darling.”

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           He brings his hand up and starts to touch my hip but I slap his arm away.
           Don’t touch me!”
           He looks at me intensely. “You know you want me to.” His voice is low, a cross between a whisper and a growl. “You know you’d like nothing more than for me to take you right here, rip that tiny fucking dress off of you, and fuck you senseless. You know you want that. And so do I.” 
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Series Reading Order

Part Two
Releasing June 25th

Part Three
Releasing July 3rd

Part Four
Releasing July 10th

Scarlett Ward
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Scarlett Ward is a yoga-loving, coffee-drinking writer who finally took the plunge and wrote her first book. Her own stepbrother wasn't remotely good-looking, but the one she dreamed up for Step F*@k is absolutely DIVINE.

Scarlett hates long walks on the beach. That shit is hard. She prefers laying out by the pool with her laptop, writing her next story while working on her tan.

Stalk Her:  Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


~*~ARC given for a honest review~*~

ATTN This review is for all 4 books in the series..

Not sure if this has any spoilers.. but in case... read at your own will.

First off let me start by saying I really enjoyed these books.. and Thank you for the opportunity to read and review these.
In this series we have Emma and Jai.
Emma is going to college for Architecture however her real passion and love is Art. She lives with her BFF and Roomie Megan..
Jai lives in London with and runs his own business.. He was born in LA but moved with his mother to London after his parents divorced.
Emma is trying to get over a breakup from 6 mo ago along with dealing with her mother’s upcoming wedding.. She comes home from class with a armload of groceries one evening only to find her BFF has taken it upon herself to “set her up on a dating website” at first Emma is not having any of it.. but after a few glasses of wine she decides to go for it.. she chats with “sexystranger” and decides to meet up at the hotel he is staying at.. After a AMAZING night of HOT SEX Emma notices something and she runs..
Fast Forward to the family dinner.. insert JAI (sexystranger).. her new/soon to be Step Brother..
Dun Dun Dun
There is quite a bit that happens.. the night of the wedding Emma walks in on Jai in a very compromising position.. Looks are not always what they seem.. She refuses to listen.. and she runs again.. This time she runs and does not tell anyone where she is going aside from Megan.. Jai is desperate in trying to find her..
I didn’t have to many issues with this book.. my main hook up was Emma.. She was wishy washy.. one min she wanted Jai.. then in the next breath she was like oh this is soooo wrong we cannot do this.. then the next.. welp she is back at it..
The other thing was… it just ended.. I was hoping for maybe a little more closure.. Jai does eventually wear Megan down.. and she tells him where she is at.. I was kind of hoping for a little more HEA at the end.. but maybe we will be gifted with a 5th and final book for them.. Maybe tie up/answer some of those questions. Do there family’s ever find out.? How will they take it?
But I still gave it a firm 4 – 4.5 stars… as this was a very good/sexy/quick reads…

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