Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Author: Melinda Di Lorenzo

Genre: Contemporary Romance (with a dash of humor and a sprinkling of suspense)

Release Date: July 5, 2015

Word Count: 80,000


A sexy, fast-paced contemporary romance from the winner of the SYTYCW Wattpad/Harlequin contest. 

Mile High Weekend is full of heart and heat, and is intended for a mature (18+) audience. 

Ginnie Silver has always been a planner. Ever since her father walked out on her at twelve years old, she’s scheduled everything down to the last detail. College education. Check. Rewarding career path. Check. Handsome husband. Check. So Ginnie never dreamed that the last four years of her life – the last four years of planning – would become a write off. But that's just what's happened. Twelve weeks ago, her husband had their marriage annulled – the last thing Ginnie would ever have expected. Now, she's on a solo trip to Vegas, determined to get the man out of her system. She only has two small problems. One. Her former husband is taking a nearly identical, too-coincidental to be real coincidence trip. And two, her plane has made an unexpected stop in Nowheresville, USA. Oh. And there's the small matter of hot-bodied, pierced in all the wrong (or is it right?) places Quinn Mcdavid, who – for some unfathomable reason – seems to be following Ginnie around and getting her more than a little hot and bothered. 

Retired undercover cop, Quinn Mcdavid only took this job for something to keep his mind busy. His friend Jase needed a favor – keep an eye on his sister, Ginnie, while she takes some crazy, all-by-herself trip to Las Vegas. Quinn thought it sounded easy. Distracting. But easy and distracting don't even begin to describe the way Ginnie makes him feel. The straight-laced woman with the flashing green eyes is so much more than he bargained for. He's supposed to stay low and keep out of sight, but when Ginnie almost gets herself kicked off the plane (before even gets on!) every protective instinct Quinn has kicks in, and he suddenly finds himself not only defending her, but sitting beside her in first class and helping her plot revenge on her jerk of an ex. Their unexpected stopover in small town, USA, might give him a chance to break away from the attraction. Or it might just help him to take it to the next level. 

When the two are forced to share a hotel room in the snowbound town, sparks fly. 

Ginnie keeps telling herself that Quinn is an easy fix, someone who can teach her a thing or two. Quinn is insistent that Ginnie is just a job. With excellent perks. Neither is ready to admit that what started out as hot proposition might actually be meaningful connection. 

Both will need to face the truth – about themselves as well as each other – if they want a Mile High Weekend to become something more. 




You can #OneClick MILE HIGH WEEKEND for #FREE!



Creating happily-ever-afters, one page at a time! 

Melinda writes in her spare time - at soccer practices, when she should be doing laundry, and in place of sleep. She lives on the beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada, with her handsome husband and her noisy kids. When she's not writing, she can be found curled up with (someone else's) good book. In her spare time, she Googles herself and makes up holidays to celebrate so she can crack a beer. Her writing motto is: Write with just enough of the real to make the reader say, “Hey, that could be me!” and just of enough of the fantastic to make the reader say, “Hey, I WISH that was me!” Melinda A. Di Lorenzo is the author of 5 full-length novels, including 2 independently published titles, 2 titles with Harlequin, and 1 title with The Wild Rose Press. So far anyway…

Social media links:


Head on over to Melinda Di Lorenzo's Author Page on Facebook and enter the GIVEAWAY!

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