Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Title: Emphatic
Author: Kaylee Ryan
Genre: New Adult Romance
 Release Date: August 25, 2015


There comes a point in your life where you have to say enough is enough.

I wasted my college years on a guy who played with my head, played with my heart. I was blinded by the fairytale, the one that didn’t exist.

The day I gave up on the idea of happily ever after, my focus became me. Moving forward and establishing my career.

Until one day…

I didn’t expect him. My new boss, a six foot two, inked rock god. I believed I was working for the record label, I was wrong.

It’s impossible for me to keep my distance, believe me I’ve tried. He’s not who I expected him to be. He’s so much more he’s…Emphatic

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Marialee's Review

***ARC received for honest review***
I LOVED this book and could not put it down! I mean come on, you have a tall, tatted, beautiful, rock God as one of the main characters. How could you not like it?
So Logan is this girl that has been with her boyfriend throughout all of her college life and is finally through with his "breaks" (also known as, "I need to go out and hook up with someone else for a few days while you sit around waiting for me"). She always had this feeling (she knew) that this is what was happening but she was finally pushed over the edge when she heard it with her own two ears on her graduation day in a women's bathroom.
Since her school days are done and she now having to step out in to the real world, her and her best friend receive a trip to Hawaii as a graduation present before they start their adult lives. This couldn't come at a better time for Logan. While on there trip, Logan meets the tall, tatted, yummy Michael and they hit it off rather quickly. Before leaving Hawaii they spend one wonderfully climatic night together knowing they will never see each other again. Or will they?
Kacen is a rock God that is needing a break from his everyday rockstar life to reset. Just finishing a tour, him and the band decide to take some time for their selves and what better way than to spend it in beautiful Hawaii? Here he meets Paige and is instantly attracted to her. Not only is he attracted to her, but when he meets her he also you can tell there is chemistry. The week that they spend together is fantastic but the night that they share has ruined him for all others but the morning is disappointing when he wakes up and she is gone. The only information he has is her name and he knows that he will never see her again. Or will he?
What happens when you see the person you had a one night stand with and find out they aren't who they said they were in the beginning? What happens when Logan's past (Ex Daniel) comes wanting her back?
I assure you that reading this book will not disappoint you. I could not put it down!

Author Bio

Ryan has had a passion for reading since she was a little girl. That passion
has slowly led to spinning romantic tales, and a one-click addiction. When she
doesn’t have her nose stuck in her kindle or fingers glued to the keyboard, you
can find Kaylee hanging out with friends and family. She loves all genres of
music, and enjoys scrapbooking. She lives in Ohio with her husband (her real life
happily ever after) and their rambunctious little boy.

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