Thursday, September 17, 2015

Title:  Dirty Words
Author:  Elena M. Reyes
Release Date: September 16

Devin Andrews had it all. Everything but the one woman he coveted.
He wanted her in the sickest of ways--yearned for those dirty words she used to entice him,
drive him mad with hunger...need.
Taken from his rib to create perfection, he found love and the one woman born to be his.
How far will he go to take ownership of what's always been his? To what cost?
Once with her, how do you seduce a woman you've never met?
You don't. You take.

***Mature Audience 18+ only***
Warning: This book is an erotic short at approximately 14,000 words. It is a sexy quick read with a slight dark undercurrent. In other words, if an alpha male with semi-stalker like tendencies bothers you...keep on moving. If a dirty mouthed man makes you uncomfortable, then please don't read. He makes no apologies for his behavior and neither will I.

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My computer screen pinged inside the quiet space of my small
trailer, and a shiver of excitement ran up my spine. The hours today had been
brutal, long, and I was tired.
Fucking horny.
Reaching over, I pulled my laptop next to me on the small
couch and opened the browser. I knew who it was. Not one motherfucking doubt in
my mind. It was her.

girl. The woman who had, unbeknownst to her, consumed every goddamned minute of
my days and nights.
Swiping my finger across the mouse pad, I opened my Facebook
account—the one no one knew I kept—and smiled. Every day, at that time, she
would send me the same greeting.
A simple hello.
Lucia: Hey babe!
What a dangerous greeting. Calling me that term of
endearment when all I wanted—fucking yearned for—was a taste of her skin. For
her to writhe beneath me while I took what her body would willingly give.
DevA: I’m up. Tired, but seeing your
smiling face makes it all better.
And wasn’t that the truth; I was rock hard as I stared at
her profile picture, my palm pushing down against my engorged flesh to
alleviate some of the pain she’d created. Conjuring dirty thoughts of her, I
released my cock and stroked my hands downward once.
Lucia: You’re too sweet!
Yeah, that’s me. One sweet motherfucker.
A bead of liquid seeped out from my tip, and my finger
swiped across my slit to catch it—used it on my next downward stroke as
“Fuck, yeah,” I grunted, tightening the hold I had on my
cock while opening her pictures. There was one album I loved more than all the
others. All her. No friends or family on the beach. Selfies taken of different
body parts: her legs, chest…those swollen, bee-stung lips that caused me to
push my hips up and fuck my hand.
I fucking abused myself for her. In her name.
DevA: Can’t wait to meet face to
face. Only a few days left!
There, that should fucking hold her until I finished. My
strokes became faster, angrier as I continued to flip through each picture.
There’s nothing sexier to me than a woman with ink.
Lucia: You are coming, right?
“Fuck, yes.” My finger hovered over the screen. Over the
picture of her tiny rabbit tattoo barely peeking out from beneath her bikini
bottoms. “I’m going to fucking come all over that spot, you hot little…fuck!” I
roared as spurt after spurt of hot come fell from my tip and onto my lower
Lucia: You there?
“I don’t give a fuck what you believe in, but you better
pray hard. I’m going to fucking destroy you as you have done me. Not one single
inch of you will remember any man before me.”
DevA: I’m here and baby girl, God
himself couldn’t stop me from coming to see you.

From coming for you.

Elena M. Reyes

 Elena M. Reyes was born and raised in Miami Florida. She is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would. As a small child, she was always intrigued with all forms of art—whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her first taste of writing came to her during her fifth grade year when her class was prompted to participate in the D. A. R. E. Program and write an essay on what they’d learned. Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure. It wasn't until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world. She now resides in Central Florida with her husband and son, spending all her down time letting her creativity flow and letting her characters grow.  




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