Thursday, September 14, 2017

Title: Deviate
Author: Marley Valentine
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Design: PopKitty Design
Release Date: October 12, 2017


Hard. Painful.

This is what my life has become - purgatory. Floating in the middle of what could’ve been and what’s never going to happen.

My past dictates my future. Every step forward, guarantees ten steps back. Regret entwined with an addiction to bad decisions, living in the moment and neglecting the consequences has become a way of life.

Ignoring all the warning signs, I didn't see him coming. He was supposed to be a distraction, a bit of fun amidst all my chaos. But Elliot Ramzy turned out to be all that, and
so much more.

*Deviate is a spin off novel and can be read as a complete standalone. The characters in this book are originally featured in Devastate* 

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Author Bio

Marley Valentine comes from the future. Living in Sydney, Australia with her family, when she's not busy writing her own stories, she spends most of her time immersed in the words of her favourite authors. 

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