Thursday, March 12, 2015

This was a really that good book.. I toughly enjoyed it. I absolutely fell in love with Abe & Nikki. This was my first book by MJ Fields.. I also have Dominic by her too.. I can’t wait to read his story. I think I may need to find the Men of Steel Series..
Abe is the CFO of Steel Industries ( and a very sexy one at that..)Nikki is a young college girl trying to get over the broken heart her Ex left her with. Both are on their way to Florida for a spring break get away..

They both have immediate chemistry and end up spending the night together. . with not wanting to complicate things either they don’t exchange names.. He has called her “four” as she was the 4th to show at the beach house.. She calls him “Neptune”. With as hot and sexy as it was it freaks Nikki out and she leaves a note and heads home while Abe is still sleeping.. Abe is Pissed when he wakes and she is gone.. so he cuts his vaca short and heads home too.
Once home he realizes he has a interview he has to give with the local newspaper on him being the “most eligible bachelor”. He gets quite the shock when he realizes the interviewer is none other than Nikki (Four).. He is still pissed and now knowing she works for the local paper he doesn’t want to give her the time of day.. She just decides to be sneaky and just follow him.. This is where a lot of the Drama starts.. Car Jacking, Creepy neighbor..
This was a truly great read.. I really enjoyed it.. I hope to read more on Abe and Nikki..

Dominic Segretti is a HOT Italian male who just so happens to be a cousin to those Steel Brothers in Jersey.. Dominic is headed to Jersey to work with his cousins to take back control of his familys empire that had been taken over by the DeLuca Family when his grandmother had remarried.
Delaney (Laney) Johnson is BFF’s with Nikki Bassett (Abe O’Donnell’s fiancĂ©e from the first book Abe). Laney is on her way to Jersey to stay with Nikki and Abe while she finds a place of her own to live and and start her dream job.. See Laney just happened to walk in on her boyfriend screwing her neighbor down the hall. She has decided she has had enough so after graduation she’s out..

On her way to Jersey she stops off at a casino to have a little fun.. and here is where Laney and Dominic meet.. The attraction is instant.. One thing leads to another and she ends up in bed with Dominic..

Lots of crazy happens in this book too much to put out here (cause I don’t want to spoil anything..) Let’s say there is this B***H (I don’t care for her right away) Jules who is supposed to be helping Dominic take down her husband, but see Jules wants Dominic and early on she spends time on her knees “showing him” just how much she wants him.. Granted her main objective is to get Benito out of the way so she can get her baby back.. she just has a poor way of doing it.

Laney and Dominic have their problems.. Issues with trust/jealousy.. you name it.. things happen and mistakes are made and there are some major misunderstandings. Can they work thru them? Can they have there HEA? You will have to read to find out..

I loved this book just as much as I did Abe.. I can not wait for Sabato’s book..

Since Abe was my first MJ Fields book I need to now go and get the Men of Steel books.. I need more of them

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