Friday, March 6, 2015

Behind The Blindfold 03/06/2015

Title: Behind the Blindfold: Uncovered Vol II
Author: Natalie E. Wrye
Genre: New adult
Release date: February 28th 2015

2nd and Final Instalment

Saturday Blake has uncovered one of Mark Rich's biggest secrets. 

Betrayed, frightened and hurt, she tries to move on, believing that the game is over, but she is sorely mistaken. 

There's another player in this game...and they won't play by any rules. 

And Mark's not done with her yet...


Natalie has done it again. You will get to finally find out who Mark is!

This book starts a few weeks after the first one ends and Saturday is feeling betrayed, frightened, and hurt. She is looking to heal and this book is her journey to healing by moving on from Mark. She's dating and trying to put him out of her thoughts, but he never leaves her thoughts.

Will Mark be able to win or back or is it too late? Who is this other player that is playing the game? I do have to say that it is not who you think it is. I know it wasn't who I thought.

This book will not disappoint you. I could not put it down. Wish it didn't end the way it did, but it was a great book none the less.

Volume I


A flash of green eyes, and then...he was gone. 

Mysterious, secluded, powerful, seductive.

Mark Rich shows up in a gallery, and then at a party, and then in Saturday's dreams.

Wealthy? Yes. Sexy? God, yes. But who is he?
Ostensibly, he seems to be a jack-of-all-trades - a multifaceted Renaissance man.

Her artistic heart will follow him to the depths of his realm, to a world of beauty, art and desire in which she so desperately wants entry.

But Mark has a dark secret...deeper than any shadow Saturday has ever encountered.

Blinded by a craving she has never known, will she find the strength to remove the mask and look past her heart into a reality that may shatter her?

5 Stars

When I think of this book a few words come to mind...


Mark is all of these! I could not put this book down. The whole time I was reading it I just kept thinking who is Mark? You know what? At the end of the book you still really don't know, which makes you want to start the second one right away and not put that one down until you know. I do know that he is sexy though. Those green eyes and the way the author explains how he looks at Saturday you can just picture it. You will want your own mysterious Mark! I know I do!

 * Talk nerdy to me at or

**Oh, and don't forget about my Facebook Author page:

 Natalie Wrye is a math geek by day, writer by night. She is a single, former Yankee living in Northwest Georgia with nothing but her Friends and Gilmore Girls reruns to keep her company. Natalie started writing nonsensical stories at the ripe age of 6; she hopes things have changed since then. She loves chocolate, cuddly things, and large libraries. Oh...and she thinks it's pretty cool to talk in 3rd person.

 *On Tour with SBB Promotions.

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