Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Her Soldier.


Her Soldier

HJ Bellus
Release day: March 10th 



Sergeant Jeremiah Abbner died in the line of duty serving his country. Or at least that's what the newspapers said...

The US Government handed him a new identity, and strict orders not to make contact with anyone from his past. As far as society was concerned Sergeant Jeremiah Abbner was dead, and buried six feet under.

Not having contact with his ex-wife would be easy. She was a manipulator and a cheater.

Not seeing his daughter on the other hand would devastate him...

Beau Morgan, aka Jeremiah, settles down in a town far away from everything he's ever known. Coping with the trauma he's experienced and discovering a new life Beau finds himself the most aggressive he's ever been. His blood simmers with rage while his fists are thirsty to let it all out .

In the middle of his own living hell he never expected to run into an old familiar face. And to top it off, one who recognized him as Jeremiah.

He's vowed never to love again, but as circumstances land him in the arms of a woman, Jenni Lee, this time he may not have a choice, as she rarely takes no for an answer.

Can Beau Morgan control his temper long enough to settle into his new life? Or will resentment taint him forever?

Review by Lisa:

As far as anyone knew  Sergeant Jeremiah Abbner was dead. Beau Morgan, as he is now known, has to set up a new life in a new town a long way from everything and anyone he's ever known, including his little girl. He lives a solitary life, living off the bare minimum he needs and living with a lot of aggression inside him just itching to come out. 

Jenni Lee gets herself into a lot of sticky situations, The worst being when her on-off boyfriend beats her to a bloody pulp outside her friends wedding reception. Beau is the one to save her and takes care of her. What comes next, well, you'll have to read and see.

This story had me on such an emotional ride. I cried when Beau got his news, I sobbed my hear out when Jenni got both sets of news and wanted to climb into the book and give her a cuddle.

This book sucked me right in and i couldn't put it down. Well Done HJ Bellus 5 stars most definitely earned!!

AMAZON: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SPGQCL2?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393177&creativeASIN=B00SPGQCL2&linkCode=shr&tag=thp088-20&linkId=NL7V54V5KNYPZN2X&=digital-text&qid=1425485624&sr=1-1&keywords=hj+bellus
AMAZON UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Her-Soldier-That-Girl-Book-ebook/dp/B00SPGQCL2/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1425485706&sr=8-6&keywords=hj+bellus


The Series
That Girl: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MMZCG0S?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393177&creativeASIN=B00MMZCG0S&linkCode=shr&tag=thp088-20&linkId=QBM3UJHHLQNQ4NFU&=digital-text&qid=1425485624&sr=1-7&keywords=hj+bellus
The Game: 

About the Author:

I'm just a simple girl who loves the country life.. .oh yeah! & a good corn dog! Throw in a little Vanilla Ice, and shits bound to get crazy! Be brave...

-Loves country life & music
-Gets the case of the "eff-its" often
-Loves Big
-Hurts Big
-love corn dogs & candy.... & (sex & candaaay)
-My heart is happy writing!!!
Website http://www.hjbellus.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AuthorHjBellus/timeline

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