Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Author: Kailin Gow

Genre: Adult Romantic Suspense


Now in the final book of The Blue Room Series, comes the explosive ending with a twist that leaves you wondering what can happen next.

Staci Atussi will finally get her answer to what happened to her missing friend who worked at the most exclusive club in Los Angeles as one of the Blue Girls at The Blue Room, a place started by billionaire Clarence Blue and ran by his sons famous rocker Danny Blue of the Never Knights and notorious womanizer Terrence Blue. The series where nothing is as it seems at the Blue Room where twists comes after every turn, comes to an end that would leave anyone with a chill in this must read finale. 

The Blue Room is a New Adult Contemporary Suspense Series intended for readers age 18 and Up. 


Currently on sale for .99 on Amazon http://amzn.com/B00XHS51HO



**Spin-Off Series COMING SOON!** 

Blue Room Confidentials Vol. 1 - Coming Summer 2015 

Blue Room Confidentials Vol. 2 

Blue Room Confidentials Vol. 3 

** Don't miss a release date from Kailin Gow books by NOT signing up for her newsletter at theEDGEbooks.com (YA and New Adult Books) and KailinGowBooks.com (Adult Fiction). She announces new releases, news, if there are delays or tentative schedule changes, events, and more exclusively through her newsletter, which she sends only when there is news. 

Kailin Romance is the name for romances intending for 18 and up by YA and Fantasy Author Kailin Gow.



Genre: Adult Romantic Suspense


From the international bestselling author of The Protege Series, The Never Knights Trilogy, PULSE, and SESSIONS Series, comes a new adult romantic suspense.. 

*****"Love love love The Blue Room! Can't wait for more!" 

- P. Bennett, MN 

*****"The chemistry is so hot! I know Terrence is bad for Staci, but I want them together." 

- Mary T. 

*****"I found my new addictive read! Can't wait to get into the next book."

- Addicted to Books Blog 

Would you sell your soul or body to find out the truth? 

When Danny Blue of the Never Knights inherited his playboy billionaire father's businesses and legacy, he didn't realized his father's pet project was the Blue Room, the most elite and secret club in the highest circle. He was happy to let his half-brother Terrence Blue run the club, but with Terrence's womanizing ways and carefree attitude when it came to everything, he wasn't sure if that was a good idea. 

Terrence Blue wasn't sure that was a good idea as well because it would cramp his style as a former patron of the club, but when he spotted virginal Staci Atussi starting at The Blue Room, he had a change of heart. Not only was Staci Atussi a knockout without knowing it, but she was the challenge he had been craving. 

For Staci Atussi, working at The Blue Room was her solution to a desperate situation, but as she became integrated into the world of The Blue Room and the mysteries surrounding its patrons and the sexy Blues, she wondered if she had traded in her desperation for something far more sinister. 

The Blue Room is a New Adult Contemporary Suspense Series intended for readers age 18 and Up. 

The Blue Room #1: http://bit.ly/TheBlueRoomVol1

The Blue Room #8: http://bit.ly/TheBlueRoomVol8



Kailin Romance are the scorching hot romance-themed books for age 18 and up by bestselling, award-winning author of YA, Fantasy, and Suspense Kailin Gow. 

Kailin Gow has been an author since 2001 in multiple genres starting out in Middle Grade, Fantasy, Action Adventure, then YA, New Adult, and Erotica. With over 200 books published and over 40 active series, translated into multiple languages, she is a bestselling international author, speaker, radio and tv personality, producer, and filmmaker. 

Many of her book series have been picked up to be developed into video games, films, and television series. Her middle grade book series and YA books are being developed into comic books. http://www.imdb.me/kailingow 

Of her books under Kailin Romance, SESSIONS has been optioned as a tv series, the Loving Summer Series is under development as a film, and Rock Hard Love Hard is being developed as a rock musical play for Las Vegas.

To get updates (promise not to spam), exclusives, and specials from Kailin Romance, sign up for the Kailin Romance newsletter at kailingow.com.

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