Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Title: Playing Dirty

Series: Monkey Business Trio #1

Author: C. L. Parker

Publisher: Bantam

Date: May 12, 2015


Cassidy Whalen is as determined as they come. An Irish girl from a small fishing village, she worked hard to pursue her love of American sports and land her dream job as a sports agent with a major agency in LA. Unlike her colleague, Shaw Matthews, who believes you should work smarter, not harder. Although it's assumed Shaw comes from money, he doesn't. What he did inherit was a genetic gift of charisma, and he used it to his advantage, establishing connections at an early age that helped him climb the corporate ladder. He's arrogant and used to getting his way with women, but he's met his match with Cassidy, who's out to prove that anything he can do, she can do better.

When a partnership position with Striker Sports Entertainment is up for grabs, Cassidy and Shaw are in a head-to-head competition to snag the most sought-after athlete in the country. Let the games begin! Playing their sexual strengths against the other's weaknesses leads to an affair that takes the competition . . . to their offices, the co-ed bathroom, the boardroom, the supply closet, the elevator, and anywhere else they're given the opportunity. But before long, they're left wanting much more than to one-up each other in just the boardroom; they want to out-do each other in love, too.

Marialee's Review

***ARC received from Random House LLC via NetGalley for a honest review***

This is the first book that I read by C.L. Parker and I was not disappointed. I absolutely LOVED Shaw and Cassidy. These two work for the same company as sports agents and they are both after signing the same athlete. Whoever signs the player will then get the real prize and that is the partnership!

Cassidy has been with the firm for years and believes that she is the one who deserves that partnership over Shaw. Shaw has only been with the firm for a couple of years and according to Cassidy has slept with everyone in the office except for Cassidy, but that will soon change.

This book is full of passion, emotion, and a lot of hot angry sex! What more could you ask for in a book? This book does end in a little bit of a cliffy and I am patiently waiting for the second one because you better believe I will be reading it!

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Author Bio

L. Parker
a romance author who writes stories that sizzle. She’s a small-town girl with
big-city dreams and enough tenacity to see them come to fruition. Having been
the outgoing sort all her life—which translates to “she just wouldn’t shut the
hell up”—it’s no wonder Parker eventually turned to writing as a way to let her
voice, and those of the people living inside her head, be heard. She loves
hard, laughs until it hurts, and lives like there’s no tomorrow. In her world,
everything truly does happen for a reason.

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